A few moments later when I had shaken the thoughts from my mind and went back to the sketch, I caught movement in the corner of my eye. A few birds had also made themselves at home, hopping around on Naruto. I knew the presense was not hostile as the birds would have fled ages ago, so I decided to keep an eye on the figure.
Said figure was human, or atleast looked like it, and they were fema- wait no, male. It confused me because he had long hair an very feminine features. He didn't seem to notice us, least of all me, but soon a bird landed on his shoulder for a few seconds then decided to join its mates ontop of the sleeping blond he noticed and walked over, leaving behind a basket of what looked like herbs.
He crouched beside Naruto and reached out a hand, it looked like he was reaching for Naruto's throat. At the same time the flock of birds made an exit.
Just to make sure he wasn't I decided to make myself known, "Good morning."
The boy's hand retreated and he turned around, a small smile on his face and a slight flash of suprise in his eyes, "Oh, I didn't see you there. You're friend will catch his death of cold sleeping on the ground like that."
"Yeah I suppose he would, but he's too stubborn." I picked up the eraser that was next to me and threw it so it hit Naruto in the head, "Oi, knucklehead! Rise and shine!"
The blond sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Hun?" He just barely took note of the boy infront of him, "Who... are you?"
The boys name was Haku and it didn't take long for Naruto to help out gathering herbs. I even helped out for about an hour before listening into the conversation between the two, I don't think Naruto knows thats a guy he's talking to.
"Are these grasses an weeds really medicinal?" Naruto asked to himself while studying the plant he held in his hand.
"I'm sorry to have imposed on you."
"That's some job you took on, girl..."
I fake coughed, saying "guy" in between but Naruto didn't seem to hear me.
"Harvesting all that this early in the morning."
"Look at whose talking! What were you doing in the middle of nowhere at the crack of dawn?"
Naruto pratically shouted "Training!" while I muttered, "Making sure he didn't die..."
"Really? That headband you are wearing... Are you some kind of ninja?" Haku asked even though the answer was obvious.
"Why? Do you think I look like one? Do I? Because I am!" And that's how you get the blond kid hyped. One simple question to do with anything ninja.
The two spoke for awhile, Haku asking why he was training and Naruto answering with that he had to become stronger. Haku asked why and somehow Naruto ended up talking about becoming the top ninja, and to prove a point to someone, that someone was most likely Inari.
I zoned out for a bit but the conversation became interesting when Haku asked, "Do you have anyone special in your life?"
Special? Apart from Naruto and the gang I don't think I am very close to anyone else. Did I use to have someone special?
Naruto looked confused for a moment, looking like he had slightly misunderstood what Haku was getting at.
Haku was silent for a few minutes, looking slightly sad, before speaking again, "When people are protecting something truly precious to them, they truly can become as strong as they must be!"
A grin broke across Naruto's face, "Yup! I know all about it!"
Just deciding to be random, I decided to tell him, "You do know that Haku's a guy, right?"

Dark Escape: Ninja
AdventureAria has no memories of her past. She soon joins the ninja academy after escaping from people that used her as a weapon for her strange abilities. At the same time she hopes she can regain her memories and shake the feeling that she's meant to be do...