I woke up in a plain white room. My wounds had been cleaned and bandaged. The device that was on my ankle had also been removed.
I sat up and looked around, A hospital room? So someone did find me then. I thought to myself, How long have I been asleep? Ah... so many questions, not enough answers. I sighed.
I heard someone walking through the door and I looked at them.
"I see you are now awake, good." A young male doctor stood at the side of the bed, he was wearing a smile, "You had a few of us worried you know. How did you get into that state? You look like you were some sort of slave."
I stayed silent and just smiled.
After not getting an answer he continued, "I'm going to have to ask you some questions. What is your name?"
I thought for a moment, "Aria Psiana." My name was the only thing I remembered.
"Psiana? Never heard of that clan before. Where are you from, Aria?"
"I don't know."
He looked confused after asking more questions and getting the same answer, "How could you not know?"
"I wish I did know. I barely know anything about myself. The only thing I remember is waking up in the middle of nowhere." I sighed in frustration.
"You mean you have amnesia?" His expression grew more serious, "Maybe a Genjutsu..."
"Don't ask me. I have no memories so how should I know?"
He looked down at a clipboard he was carrying in thought, "Hmm... I should report this." When he looked back up he wore a smile again, "You should get some more rest, I'll be back later."
With that he walked out the door and I flopped back down.
He mentioned Genjutsu, isn't that what ninja's use? Maybe this place is full of ninja's. Maybe I was working to be one. I sighed and closed my eyes, quickly falling back to sleep.
When I woke up later I was taken to what they called the Hokage. He was like the leader of this place, this place being a ninja village called Konoha. He was a kind old man that always seemed to smoke a pipe.
I was asked the same questions that I was asked earlier and gave the same answers. After my mind was checked just in case I was some spy or something but it turned out someone had place a block in my mind that no-one could break, not even the experts. They found it suspicious but were now sure that I wasn't any harm to the village, even after seeing what happened in the farming village.
The Hokage decided to let me stay in a small flat and send me to the local school, where I would train to be a ninja. Even if the age I'm at will mean I won't be there for long, if I don't end up repeating a year.
I was also given some new clothes so I didn't have to walk around in tattered rags and money so I could feed myself. My new clothes were like my new ones, all black, long sleeved shirt and trousers.
The door slid open and when the teacher of the class, known as Iruka, walked through the door everything went silent.
"We have a new student joining us today. Now-" His eyes skimmed over the class, "Is Naruto late, again?" Iruka sighed, slightly annoyed. "Anyway, Aria, you can come in now!"
The door slid open again and I walked through. Standing in front of everyone I bowed and when I looked up again I introduced myself, "Nice to meet you. My name's-"
The door to the classroom burst open and a blond boy wearing orange and blue ran through, "I'm sorry Iruka!" The blond blinked in confusion when he saw me stood in front of the class, "Who's this?"
"You're late, again, Naruto. If you were here on time you would know. Go and sit down." Iruka looked irritated by the boy, now known as Naruto, like this happened on a daily basis.
Once Naruto sat down Iruka told me to continue, "As I was saying, my name's Aria. And to answer Naruto's question, I'm joining this class today."
After introducing myself I was directed to a seat between the late comer, Naruto, and a boy with a dog, Kiba and Akamaru.
Iruka continued the lesson reviewing the art of transformation, Henge, which there would be a quick review on next month. That would be easy for me, being a shapeshifter an' all.
At lunch I was invited to hang out with Naruto and his friends, Kiba (including Akamaru), Choji and Shikamaru. And by friends I mean the few people that didn't seem to pick on him. We sat on the roof and Shikamaru tried to describe to Naruto how to use the art of transformation.
"It's unfair, I don't get it." Naruto complained as he flopped back onto the floor.
I giggled slightly, "You've been here longer, so you should know. I've only been here for one lesson and I've already got a grip on it."
The blond sat back up and crossed his arms and legs, "If you know how to do it show me!"
I stood up and smiled, "Sure, next time. I gotta get to class." I waved to them and walked through the door that led to stairs going down. I could hear Naruto's complaints as I walked away.
Straight after the lesson I went straight to the stores to pick up some art stuff, mainly a book, sketching pencils, brushes and black ink.
The next morning when I got to class I decided to try and get to know the others in my class.
Most of them were happy to talk to the new girl. I tried talking to a pink haired girl, her name was Sakura and my first impression was that she was a fangirl. She made sure to tell me to stay away from a guy called Sasuke but after that she was happy to talk about anything, mainly because said guy was not there... yet. As soon as said guy walked through the door I nearly had to cover my ears from the squealing and I no longer had any attempts to talk to her. I did try conversation with Sasuke but other then a "Hn" or a "Hmph" I got completly ignored. After that I tried talking to a guy called Shino but he didn't say much, but I did notice his fasination for bugs and the one or two beetles that seemed to hang around him. My last attempt was with a shy girl named Hinata. She stuttered alot but that's because it looked like she had low self confidence but she was a nice girl and would be good to have her as a friend.
After that I gave up and slumped onto a unclaimed desk and started to sketch something in my book.
And that was my first attempt at starting a new life after forgetting my old one.

Dark Escape: Ninja
AdventureAria has no memories of her past. She soon joins the ninja academy after escaping from people that used her as a weapon for her strange abilities. At the same time she hopes she can regain her memories and shake the feeling that she's meant to be do...