Matched-Up With a Wolf o5

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I woke up and felt someone’s hands glued onto my sides. I pretended to yawn and stretched, nailing Travis right in his jewels. He groaned and rolled off the bed. I stretched out, “The bed feels so much better now.”

            Travis got up, “That was just rude,”

            I snorted, “Do I look like I care?”

            “You will,”

            “Ooh, is that a threat? Because that entitles me to attack you if you are.”

            He smirked, “Bring it on. I think my package deserves an apology.”

            He launched at me, knocking us into the bed. The bed creaked. I jammed my fist into his face but he caught it, pinning my hand down. We wrestled for a good five minutes, groaning. Suddenly, the door burst open and Dad’s face was bright red, “WHAT IS GOING ON? I told you honey, they were doing the dirty deed! Oh dear God, my daughter is not a virgin anymore! I’m going to kill this boy!”

            I climbed off Travis, rolling my eyes, “Dad, I’m still a virgin and we weren’t doing anything.”

            Travis winked at me, “Yet.”

            Dad snarled at Travis about to kill him when Mom stepped in all perky, “My daughter is a woman now. I’m so proud of you.”

            I placed my head into the pillow. I hate my family. For this reason. Since when does a mother get happy for her daughter to have sex? That’s just wrong. Child molestation for sure.

            After thirty minutes of convincing my mom that my cherry is still un-popped, we headed downstairs for some breakfast. Travis picked up a flyer that was posted on the wall, “Hm, that sounds boring.”

            “What does?” I asked.

            “Some formal dance thing tonight.”

            Ew, I wasn’t the type of girl that would get dressed up for stuff like that… or a matter of fact, for anything. I left the room in sweatpants and a t-shirt for crying out loud.  I took my seat with some scrambled eggs and toast.

            The day went by slowly. Mom all over Travis about how great he is and how amazing her relationship is. Our forced, crazy relationship that I really hate. But no, my opinion on anything does not matter! By seven, I knew I had to get out of this room. The window looked nice except for the fact that it was about eight stories high. There was a knock on the door, “Come into your DOOM!”

            A handsome young guy opened the door, looking skeptical. Wow, he was cute. I sprung to my feet and grinned at him, “Can I help you with something?”

            “Um… are you Arianna Parks?”

            I blinked, “Yeah…”

            He gave me a large black box with a blood red rose on top of it. Mysterious much? Yes. Kinda creepy? Hell yeah. Without another word, the guy left. I closed the door and Travis sauntered out of the bathroom, “Who’s that from?”

            I shrugged. I pulled the note off the rose and read it out loud, “You might not have noticed me but I noticed you. You are one the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and hope you can meet me at the plaza’s balcony at 11 o’clock.”

            I grinned at Travis, “Are you fucking with me?”

            He looked spaced, “No, why would I ever call you beautiful? You’re still wearing what you woke up in, man.”

            I glared at him, “Well at least this guy appreciates my wonderful qualities.”

            “You’re not going,” He said.

            I opened the box and stared at a gorgeous gold dress. It was strapless and the hem was netted with gems, “OMG, this is gorgeous!”

            I looked in the box and noticed matching shoes.

            “The guy is bribing you with money. Watch him be a freaking ninety year old pedophile.” Travis grunted from the bed.

            “I can’t not go. Can’t I just see the guy? He must really like me to buy me this.”

            “You think a guy likes you if he buys you stuff? Screw this guy. I’ll buy you whatever you want. Whenever.”

            “Yeah, whatever, Travis.”

            “I didn’t get to go on my date last night and you’re not going on this one. It’s only fair.”

            I groaned. What a waste of a gorgeous dress, “Okay but can we at least return it to him.”

            “Fine but I’m coming with,”


            Travis grasped my hand as we stepped onto the balcony. Geez, possessive much?

            “I was only expecting one,” A voice said and I turned around facing a good-looking guy about in his early twenties. Travis growled and the guy smiled wider.

            I passed the guy the box, “Oh, thanks for the dress and all but I’m kinda… uh… married.” Or something like that.

            “Do you know who I am?” The man asked.

            Travis sighed, “This is my step-dad, Ari.”

            “Oh, what’s up then man?” I held out my hand.

            He looked at my hand as if it had an extra finger or something. He just smirked, “Human, I see. What a surprising mix EG High came up with this year. Do you like Travis, Ari?”

            “Hell naw, he is beyond annoying.” I said, jokingly. Travis wasn’t that bad other then the fact that he is sex crazed, he’s totally fine.

            “And how about you?” He turned to Travis.

            He shrugged, “She’s my mate and will always be.”

            His step-dad tilted his head to the side, “Not true.” He flipped open his phone and dialed some number, “Yes, it’s Dante O’Brien. I need a Separation. Of course the kids are fine with it. Good. Thank you.”

            “What did you just do?” Travis growled.

            “What you both asked for. You two are officially not together anymore. Arianna, you can now live your boring mundane life and Travis can find another mate. Happy ending for both, right?”

He couldn’t be farther from wrong.





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