Chapter 15 ~ Sage

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Four months.

No word from Mason in four months.

The first three weeks, I wasn't concerned. He'd been gone that long before with no communication. Then those weeks became two months, then three, then four entire months. And with each day that passed, I tried not to worry -- no news was good news, right? I knew some missions could take longer. He'd told me that Nate had been out on one for months.

But when you want to tell someone some important news, you don't want to wait. And I'd been waiting four months to talk to Mason. Waiting and waiting and waiting to tell him I wanted to try. The more days that passed, the more sure I became of my answer.

In the meantime, I'd poured out my heart to Cashew. My concerns, my fears, my hopes, my ultimate dreams. And Cashew was a great listener...until he'd had enough and flopped onto the couch only to promptly fall asleep and cockroach in that funny way of sleeping greyhounds had. Yes, my boy was a good listener like that.

So I'd heard nothing from Mason for four months until today, and even then it was a short text.

I'll be home around four. Sorry this mission took longer than expected. Had some challenges. I appreciate you watching Cashew all this time.

Staring at my screen, willing more words to come from him, I read the text over and over, hoping there was some hidden message I could decipher if I just read it enough times.

Prior to this mission, Mason's longest mission had been three weeks -- and that was even an aberration because he was normally gone no more than a week at a time. But this one had been four months.

What challenges had they run into? What did that even mean? Like they ran out of food? They were caught in violent thunderstorms? Were they even in a place that had violent thunderstorms?

And he appreciated me watching Cashew all this time? Like I was some impersonal, unknown dog sitter? I was surprised he hadn't said he'd put a check in the mail for my time and trouble when he returned. As if we were now transactional acquaintances only. Nothing personal between us.

And then more words did appear from him, but they were nowhere near what I was hoping for.

About an hour from being home, so no need for you to stay. Cash will be fine by himself for an hour. Thanks again.

What the hell? What in the ever living hell were these short, impersonal texts?

Oh, that just burned me. I was being dismissed? No. If he wanted me gone, he was going to have to spell it out for me.

Do you want me to NOT be here when you get home, Mason? Just say so, but I've been waiting four months to talk to you.

Dot dot dot.

Dots disappeared.

Dot dot dot.

Dots disappeared.

Three more times that happened.

What the hell? It was a pretty simple question. Yes, leave; no, stay.

Then finally, after five entire minutes: Stay if you want.

I was pretty sure that I should check my blood pressure. His texts were pissing me off. 

Stay if you want? Like he didn't give a flying flip either way? And why had it taken five attempts and five minutes to send that simple, basic, four-word message to me? Did he really not want to see me? Was he completely indifferent to me now after four months away?

He could have said Stay if you want because I'd really love to see you. But no. Just Stay IF YOU WANT. It made no difference to him whether I was here to greet him or not.

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