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You don't know what's in store

Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes flutter open and I squint when the sunlight reaches them. I stretch my arm out to stop the abnoxious alarm clock blaring next to me. I lay in my bed for a few mintues gaining the strength to get up and start my day, sitting up and letting the blanket fall off my body I turn to plant my feet on the cold hard ground and stand, walking towards the bathroom. When I turn on the light I look in the mirror and see what the night has done. My hair is a mess and my face is puffy. I begin by brushing my teeth and I end with putting on makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and get dressed when i'm finished it's 7:30 I proceed to grab my things and head out the door all while my dorm mate Pansy is still asleep.

When I reach the great hall I spot my friends and walk over to them
"morning" I say with a quick nod as I take my seat next the Theodore he turns his head to look at me
"Morning Gorgeous" he says with a wink and I smile. I look around the table to see Blaise, Lorenzo, Draco, Theodore, and Mattheo. I quickly look away when I see Mattheo. We haven't been known to get along mostly because I think he is a self centered dick.

"How are you doing this morning?" I look up from filling my plate to see Blaise looking at me
"I'm good" I shrug my shoulders
"You?" I ask
"Perfect as always" he says with a smile

Moments later Pansy joins the group and sits next to me
"Morning bitches" she says with a yawn while shoving a grape in her mouth, she looks at Mattheo who is looking at her in disgust she furrows her eyebrows and has an annoyed look on her face
"Problem Riddle?" I turn to look at him and he's looking at her blankly
"None at all Parkinson"
Pansy leans in to whisper in my ear
"He's so weird" I giggle and nod in response and look at him only for his eyes to be boring into mine he face shows irritation
"Something you'd like to say Parkinson?" Pansy shakes her head
"Nope not at all" she looks at me and we both burst out laughing while our entire group looks at us confused.

After Breakfast ends we head to our first class which we fortunately all have together. We enter the class and hurry to our assigned seats mine is next to Mattheo and I hate it everyday. He's so closed off and rude probably because he's the dark lords son and has nothing better to do than to try and he like his father but he doesn't hold a candle to what his father was. Voldermort was a monster and Mattheo isn't far from that but he doesn't have half the things in him that is father did which is good for hogwarts but not for his ego.

Snape begins to speak
"Today we will be brewing vertiaserum can anyone tell me what that is?" Hermiones hand shot up just as it usaully does and he nods his head towards her
"Vertiaserum is a truth serum it is oderless as well as colourless and it's brewing time is one linear phase" she says with a smile
"Thank you Ms Granger"
I've always been envious of Hermione she's so naturally smart and I wish I was like that. I've never gone for the whole Gryffindor and Slytherin feud I personally think it's the most ridiclous thing ever. Some of my best friends are Gryffindors.

Soon enough Snape had told us to begin and per usual Mattheo doesn't say a word to me he just makes his way to the ingredients to collect them. As we make the potion his energy feels off he feels closer to me in a way I can't describe. It's not in a physical way because he is standing as far away as he can but in an emotional way his guard feels dropped a smidge. It's strange and it throws me off for the entire class.


After I finished my first three classes it was lunch and this is when my group flourished. We're no longer tired from the moring and we have a lot to say.
We all sat down together and began to eat and talk
"You'll never guess what I found out" Blaise said with the biggest smile on his face. He is the friend who always has the drama, he lives for it.
"What?" Theodore asks
"You know how we talk about Neville and how he is the most innocent person in this school" we all nod
"Well turns out him and Luna were getting freaky in the green house" everyone stops what they're doing including Mattheo
"You're lying" I saw with a laugh
he shakes his head
"I'm not I heard it from Susan and she heard it from Ginny and Ginny heard it from straight from the source, Luna"
"I can't picture either of them doing something like that" Lorenzo said looking baffled
"It's always the quiet ones" everyone whips their head toward Mattheo
"Dude I don't remember the last time you've talked to the group" Blaise stated

"He's right though, the ones who don't say anything do the nastiest things. I'm sure he would know" Draco looked at Mattheo as he said the last sentence
"What are you impling Malfoy"
"I've seen and heard all the girl you've had in the room there is no way that you're having simple sex"
"What I do in bed is none of your concern"
"We gotta know" Blaise spoke
"Know what"
"Are you doing freaky shit, wait let me ask that again what is the freakiest thing you've ever done" he rubbed his hands together hoping for answer which Mattheo looked like he was gonna give.

"That's the last thing i'd ever tell any of you"
"Mattheo if I was a girl i'd be all up under you" I scrunched up my face at this comment
"Thats the wildest thing you have ever said Enzo"
"wild but true"
"If you were a girl your the last thing i'd touch" Lorenzo gave him a hurt look
"You don't think I would be a pretty girl. Listen I would be the most beautiful girl there is model type beat" I laughed a little too hard because he looked at me with the sassiest face ever
"Don't play with me right now Amara what are you laughing at?" he crossed his arms and raised an eye brow and I couldn't contain my laughter. Soon everyone started laughing and i'm pretty sure I saw Mattheo smirk.

After lunch ended it was back to classes we all said our see you later's but I couldn't help but look at Mattheo, our eyes connected and I didn't want to look away there was a beauty in his eyes that I had never seen before I was sucked out of it by Pansy pulling me away from his gaze.

At dinner well the only topic was the party that was happening in the common room

"we're all going right?" I asked
"Of course we are i'd never miss a party" Blaise said flipping his imaginary hair
"Riddle" I said trying not to sound cold he looked at me and there was a hint of shock in he face
"If you go are you actually going to do something or are you just going to sit on the couch and stalk?" he smirked in amusment
"Why, do you want me to dance with you" he looked at me as if I was pathetic
"In your dreams, I just thought you were tired of looking like a creep."
"Sitting on the couch is great the girls just throw themselves at you. No matter what direction you're looking in they'll convince themselves you're looking at them" Draco rebutled I rolled my eyes
"Your dick is the only thing on your mind"
"Gotta keep myself satisfyed, maybe one day i'll show you why the girls want me so bad"

I give a look of disgust and look at Mattheo who is looking at Draco like he's a lion hunting it's prey.

"Okay so since we're done eating Amara and I are going to get ready, bye" and she pulled me out of the seat and the great hall
"I know damn well you say how Mattheo looked at Draco after that little comment"
"I did"
"You think he wants you" I choked on air
"Mattheo hasn't liked anything about me ever that's probably his normal face"

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