(F) Cozy - jongsang

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"Sang? Are you ready?" Asked the younger male while sitting on the couch, waiting for his boyfriend.

"No! Two minutes!" He replied from their bedroom.

It is currently 11 AM, the two going out on a morning date; a walk to the park and a nice little picnic by the lake.

Though stupidly, they did not check the weather.

A flash of light coming through the window lit up the cozy apartment, causing Jongho to lift his head up in confusion.

When thunder hit, a scream echoed throughout the closed space, causing the younger to sprint to the bedroom.

Once he opened the door he found the older crouched down in the middle of the room, palms blocking his ears and eyes shut.

He made his way towards him quickly and wrapped his arms around the smaller, "it's okay baby, it's okay, you're okay."

Yeosang held onto Jongho tightly, the storm outside only getting stronger and louder.

"Shh... I'm right here, flower."

They sat like this, on the floor, until they heard the rain subsiding a little. Every time a thunder hit, Yeosang would flinch and whimper in the younger's hold and Jongho would whisper comforting words to him, reminding him that he is right next to him.

Yeosang couldn't really explain his fear of thunders.

He didn't know where it came from nor why he is so scared of the sound caused by the soft clouds. He tried explaining to himself that it's only clouds bumping into each other, though no matter how many times he tried, he couldn't get rid of that fear.

Jongho softly played with his hair, "do you want me to close the windows?"

Yeosang nodded into his neck, though scared to be away from the younger.

As if reading his thoughts, he added, "the storm calmed down a bit... while I close the windows you change into comfortable clothes, okay? We'll have an indoors date today," he smiled.

"O-okay," he mumbled hesitantly, "b-but you're here, right?"

Jongho smiled once again and kissed the top of the older's head, "of course, my love, I'm not going anywhere."

Jongho let go of him and stood up, taking both of Yeosang's hands in his and helping him on his feet.

"If you need anything just call me, okay?" The younger asked softly, receiving a nod from the latter.

Jongho kissed his forehead before parting ways, Yeosang to the walk in closet and Jongho all over their studio apartment, closing all the windows.

The storm indeed calmed a bit, allowing the older to change his clothes with no fear.

He decided to steal one of Jongho's coziest hoodies and wear his own black sweatpants and grey fuzzy socks.

He hurried to the living room, finding his lover on the couch, scrolling through Netflix in search of a movie, all the windows now closed.

The curtains were closed as well, the only sources of light in the apartment were the bright television and the small, golden fairy lights that decorated the room.

Yeosang smiled small and sat right next to the younger, leaning his head on his shoulder.

Jongho smiled, eyes still on the screen, leaned back and wrapped his arm around Yeosang's shoulder, pulling him closer.

"What do you wanna watch?" Jongho asked him, resting his head on the latter's.

Yeosang hummed, "hmm... maybe Beauty and the beast?" He looked up at him with doe eyes, the tv lights reflecting in them.

The younger smiled and pecked his lips, "of course, prince."

Jongho searched for the movie while Yeosang decided to get some snacks for the two.

When thunder hit.

A scream of fright echoed in the house, once again, followed by hurried footsteps.

As the storm outside began again, the older was on his knees, palms covering his ears and eyes shut tight.

Jongho fell on his knees next to him, covering his entire body with his arms, "shh... it's okay sweetheart, you're okay."

"M-make it stop, jjong..." he begged silently as he cried, "please... I c-can't-"

"Shh, I'm right here with you baby," the younger whispered, "just breathe with me, slowly."

He guided him as the rain was pouring loudly outside.

Jongho ran his fingers through his hair softly, "there you go... just relax, my petal."

Yeosang managed to calm down, burying his nose into the latter's neck and closing his eyes, letting out a small sigh.

A couple moments go by, the two staying in their, pretty uncomfortable, position, the rain loud against the windows.


"Yes, prince?"

He cleared his dry throat, "n-nap? Please?"

"Of course, angel," he smiled softly, helping the both of them onto their feet again.

He held the older's waist gently as they walked towards the bedroom, making sure he is as close to him as possible, knowing he's quite panicky at the moment.

They arrived in their bedroom, Jongho tucking the smaller in before laying down next to him.

The room was dark, the only light coming from the fairy lights and the tv that they didn't turn off in their living room.

"Come here, sweetheart," the younger whispered as he opened his arms.

Yeosang scooted closer to him, resting his head on his shoulder and burying his nose in his neck, inhaling his oh-so comforting scent.

Jongho wrapped his arms around him, pulling him even closer, "rest, my love," he whispered in his ear, kissing his forehead gently.

Yeosang smiled, forgetting all about the storm outside, his body relaxing in the comforting hold of his lover as the both of them drifted off to sleep.

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A pretty short one lol

Yeosang represents my unexplained fear of thunders✊🏼

Hope you enjoyed!

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