2. A Drunk Kiss Is All It Takes

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I stared at Justin in horror. I can't believe he just did that! "I'm gonna die!" I wailed while he just laughed. "How can you even find this funny?! My parents are going to kill me! I'm not gonna mak-"

"Will you fucking chill," Justin interrupted my rambling. "It's not that bad."

"Not that bad?! NOT THAT BAD?! You came to my house at 12 am and just kidnapped me! You just told my parents 'I'm taking your son and I'm not taking no for an answer'... when I get back I'm gonna get killed!" I screamed, still fucking terrified of what my parents will do to me once I get home. And Justin was just laughing. He was fucking laughing! I'm gonna get killed and he's laughing!

He stopped laughing long enough to say, "You're just being paranoid." Maybe he was right, maybe I am being paranoi- no. No I'm not. "If you're so sure they're going to kill you," he continued, "then you might as well spend your last moments of life relaxed."

"Fine," I sighed, "what are we even doing anyways?" I asked dreading the answer. Justin was so reckless and unpredictable that I always expect the worst.

He smiled mischievously, "That my friend," he flicked my nose, resulting in me swatting his hand away, "is a surprise." I bet he's going to force me into some fucked up social situation. I scoffed at the thought because it was so ridiculous, Justin knows how bad I am in social situations, he wouldn't- wait... he fucking would. NO.

"NO," I voiced my thoughts, startling him.

"'No' what?" He asked innocently. I just want to punch that smug smile off his face because he knows. He knows that I know.

"You know exactly what I mean, Justin."

"How'd you figure it out?"

"Because you just love to ruin my life," I dramatized.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah because taking you to a party is 'ruining' your life."

My eyes widened, "A party? Who's? How-how many people?" I pushed my words out, already hating this idea.

"My man, Vic's. He invited the whole grade, and that means you."

Ugh. Fuck you Justin. Why must you keep making Vic and I cross paths?

"Wouldn't it kinda be over by now?" I questioned, completely oblivious as to how parties work.

He smiled, "Nah. We're actually early." Goddammit. That means I'm going to have to talk to Vic.

"Wait don't you mean we're going to be early?"

"No. We're here," he cocked his head in the direction of the house.

"Oh." This is going to be one hell of a night.


"You sure you don't want a drink?" Vic asked for the millionth time.

I glared at him, "If I say yes will you finally leave me alone?"

"Actually, yes."

"Fine then, give me a beer."

Justin high fived him, "Aha yes! Kellin's gonna get drunk!" He cheered.

I rolled my eyes as Vic handed me the beer, "When are people going to start getting here?" I took a swig of my beer.

"I don't know. Mayb-" but he was cut off by yelling.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Mike, Vic's brother, yelled as he entered the house. Several people started coming into the house, soon enough the house was full and music was blaring.

After a while a very drunk Justin stumbled up to me, "Hey, you having fun?" He slurred screaming over the music.

"Uh yeah. I guess," I yelled back. Justin gave me an unimpressed look, "What?"

"You need to loosen up, that's what!" Justin got up and motioned for me to follow him so I did. We entered the kitchen were all the drinks were stored.

"GUYS!" He gets the attention of everyone here, "Get him drunk," then he leaves.

I stare at everyone and they all stare at me then one of them speaks up, I think his name is Jack, "We'll take good care of you Kell." This wont end well


How long has it been since Justin took me to the kitchen? I have no idea but I don't care. Right now I'm in the pit of drunk teenagers grinding against each other. I maneuver my way out of there and take a spot on the wall, I spot Vic already looking at me. If I wasn't so drunk I would have kept to myself but when I'm drunk I make rather irrational decisions so a saunter over to him a smirk plaster on my face.

"Hi Kellin," he greats politely.

"Hey Vicky!" I giggle.

He raises an eyebrow, "How drunk are you?"

I just giggle even more, suddenly very aware of how attractive Vic is. I bite my lip and glance from his eyes to his lips. He seems to notice, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He inquiries.

"Because you're hot, that's why. And I really want to kiss you right now."


"Because you're hot, that's why. And I really want to kiss you right now," I can't believe the words that just fell out of his mouth. He is so fucking drunk I don't think he has any idea as to what he's saying. Sure I've had a few drinks but I'm sober compared to Kellin. I didn't notice he had leaned in until his voice startled me, "Hey Vic, I want to show you something." He pulled his head back and bit his lip before walking away. He looked back at me smirking then turned the corner.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself. I'm just too damn curious, so I followed him. Getting to the kitchen I look around for him but I don't see him anywhere. "Hey Jack," hopefully he saw where Kellin went.

"Yeah?" He slurred.

"Have you seen Kellin?"

"Yeah! He went up!" He pointed to the stairs. No one was up there, everyone was down here. Why would he go up there? Well I don't fucking know.

"Thanks, Jack." I take the stairs two at a time, reaching the top just in time to see Kellin slipping into the room at the end of the hall which just so happens to be my room.

"Kellin?" I call out as I enter my room.

He giggles, "Vic you came!" He stumbles over, closing and locking the door then he turns to me. Before I can process what's happening, Kellin pushes me against the wall, his face inches away from mine.

"W-what are you doing?" I silently curse myself for stuttering.

"You have really nice lips Vic," he ignores my question.

"Kellin wha-" but I'm cut off by his lips on mine.

At first I'm frozen but then I kiss him back. But I'm straight! Yet here I am kissing another guy! But I don't care about that right now because all I can think of is how soft his lips are.

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