3. He's Gay, You're Gay Now Kiss!

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This chapter is dedicated to @3-Cheers-For-Kellic because her comments and votes, also check out her fanfics ^-^


"Jack!" I yelled as I burst into her room. She was asleep, was. "Jack get the fuck up I need to talk to you." She mumbled something inaudible, probably telling me to fuck off and let her sleep. But I really need to talk to her so I pulled off her blankets, exposing her to the cold morning air.

Her eyes snap open instantly. "Give it back you fucking bitch!" She hisses trying to get the covers back.
"No! Jack I really need to talk to you."

She glares at me giving in, "Fine. This better be fucking important."

Am I sure about this? No. That's why I have to tell her. I take a breath before letting the words tumble out of my mouth, "IthinkImgay."

She had been rubbing sleep from her eyes but now she was staring at me wide eyed, "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right." Now she looked wide awake.

"I said 'I think I'm gay'," I repeated, slower this time.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!" She yelled but I quickly shushed her. "Wait. How- what- why- just explain," she stumbled over her words.

"Uh well..." I trailed off.

"Victor fucking Fuentes if you just leave me hanging I am going to hang you."

"Okay, okay. I just- I don't know how to explain," I mumbled not really wanting to explain.

She gave me a look that said 'you woke me up now you have to tell me or die it's your choice'.

"I kissed Kellin or erm we kissed."

She fell off the bed and got up just as fast, "Wait Kellin? Pasty white boy Kellin? Kellin fucking Quinn?!"

I chuckled at how shocked she was but I mean who wouldn't be shocked to hear that I made out with Kellin? "Um yeah what other Kellin do you know? Anyways he was drunk and he went into my room telling me he had something to show me but instead he just kissed me and I uh... I kissed back, then he passed out on my bed," I glanced at her and she was looking at me as if I had three heads but I continued, "and now I think I might be gay. Like I never felt like that when I kissed a girl. I always felt weird when I kissed a girl but when I was kissing Kellin it... it just felt so right."

"Well Vic we have another thing in common." I gave her a confused look. "We both like dick," she added with a 'duh' tone. "Well not really since I'm asexual but- you get what I mean."

"So you think I am gay?" I asked because I have no fucking clue and Jack is smart... sometimes. I'm sure she can help me make heads or tails of this situation.

"Well I don't know are you? Like do you like a guy? ...Do you like Kellin?!" She gasped.

"Jack, I. Don't. Know. That's why I'm talking to you."

"Well do you like Kellin? Even just a little bit, like do you think he's cute or something?" She questions.

Do I like Kellin? "I think so, I mean I did kiss him back and he's pretty cute."

She makes a noise in the back of her throat before getting up and walking towards the door. "I'm gonna be back you stay here," she says firmly.

"Wait where are you going?" I asked frantically standing up.

She turned towards me, "Relax I just... got to... do something. Just stay here Victor." I really wanted to follow to see what she's about to do but her tone of voice told me not to.


I knew Vic was gay! I fucking knew it! And oh my gosh he likes Kellin! Okay so Vic said Kellin passed out on his bed, so that means Kellin is in Vic's room.

I poke my head through the door to make sure he's in there. Kellin's asleep so I get to wake him up! "Kellin! Wake the fuck up!" I yell as I walk towards the bed. Good thing he's fully clothed 'cause that would be awkward. He mumbles something about... penguins? Welp at least I'm not the only one who dreams about penguins. "Kellin! Dude! Hoe get up!" I shake him a little and his eyes slowly open.

He rubs sleep from his eyes, "What?" He asks groggily.

"Goooooood moooooooornnnnning Viiietnam!!" I yell making him cover his ears.

"Ow! Too loud! Who are you? Am- am I dreaming?" He whispers the last part looking around the room. He gasps, "Am I in Vietnam?!" he asks wide eyed.

I laugh, "Oh dude no I'm sorry I was just trying to wake you up. You are still in America."

He tilts his head to the side, "Oh... Then where am I?"

I smile, "In Vic's room."

His eyes widen, "What?!" he yells.

"Shhhh! Anyways down to business do you remember anything from last night?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Well last night you got really drunk and made out with Vic. Vic was also drunk but not as smashed as you so he remembers everything-"

He cuts me off looking at me with wide eyes, "Everything? Did- did we-"

"No you guys did not do the frickle frackle if that's what you're thinking." I assure him.

He looks at me quizzically, "Frickle fracle?"

"That's what I call the sex. Anyways do you like Vic? Or?"

Kellin's face paled. That means he does! "N-no. I don't even remember."

That is definitely a yes. Changing the subject, "Okay I'm gonna find out where Justin is and I'm gonna make breakfast. See you downstairs."

I walk out the room and start my quest to find Justin. He was the only person to crash here well besides Kellin and Mike's girlfriend, Alysha.

I find Justin sleeping on the couch, "Hey," I shake him a little, "Dude wake up." He groans and rolls over falling off the couch. "Fuck," I mumble going over to help him up.

"Why are you waking me up?" He pouts ass he rubs the sleep from his eyes.

"Because you my dear friend are going to help me make food and get Vic and Kellin together."

His eyes widen -I seem to have that effect on people- "What?!"

I take a deep breath, "No telling Vic or Kellin though. Okay?"


"Maybe okay will be our always," I smirk at Justin but he just groans shaking his head. "Anywhore, they made out yesterday causing Vic to be confused about his sexuality and we're pretty sure he's gay-"

"Wait the-" he starts cutting me off.

Oh hell no, "Shhh don't interrupt. I talked to Kellin and I'm 95% sure he likes Vic as well." I look at Justin and he's just kinda " (O_O;) "

"We need to get them together."

"Yes. Yes we do. But first we need to make food."

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