Interview with Kyla

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Name / Username: Kyla/itskhaii

Favorite book you've written:The 30 Day's Project. I just started writing it but every time I play the plot in my head, I fan-girl. No seriously, when I think about it at home, I squeal and go all girly. I think my parents are planning to send me to a mental hospital..

Link to your story (click external link): 

What inspired your story? Well, I was getting in to books with school kinda projects but what inspired me the most is the cliche kind of stories. I've noticed that most cliche stories main characters are stuck up, know it all, sarcastic nerdy girl (that just happens to attractive...when they state they're ugly, like seriously?) who for no reason hate guys. Yeah, I decided to make a story with a girl opposite from that.

How did you hear about Wattpad? Erm, I remember someone advertise their book on a website I was on. I'm so glad I clicked the link

Questions about my story: I'm sorry but, do you just watch the series 24/7 and just take down notes or something? Your writing is just too accurate. You found out my secret. I don't know if I should be proud, but I do watch it as if it was my music, just until I feel somewhat like Sherlock, hehe!! 

Overall rating (1-10) of SHERLOCK: 1, 2, & 3: 10 OUT OF 10 MY FRIEND. YOU DESERVE IT!

How did you hear about it? Your attractive profile picture lead me to it. 

Favorite character and/or scene: Sherlock, period. But if I must, I shall write why. I love his wittiness and his how he's sorta anti-social.I find it cute. 

Short Review: This book is extremely well written and the author has made very accurate choices in her work. It's as if you're reading an episode from the original series. Definitely a good read so I recommend it to everyone who like good crime solving,action-filled books.

Would you recommend it to others? HECK YES! Although, I would mainly recommend it for people who watched and loved the Sherlock series. Not to be offensive or anything but this book is too good and accurate, I feel like people who understand the series would understand the book more..if that makes sense.

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