Interview with Maria

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Name / Username: Maria (Bubbles947)

Favorite book you've written:  At the moment I only have fanfics on this site, but my favourite so far would have to be Deceit, my Harry Potter fanfiction. 

Link to your story (click external link):

What inspired your story?:  As its a Harry Potter fanfic it was inspired by the Harry Potter series but I often also take inspiration from novels or poems that I have read. I also find that dreams often provide me with unusual twists and inspiration when I write.

How did you hear about Wattpad?: I first heard about Wattpad from one of my friends who writes on here and I signed up at first just for reading but gradually I decided to write some and now I completely love it.

Overall rating (1-10) of SHERLOCK: 1, 2, & 3: 10, but realistically it's off the scale :)

How did you hear about it? I was browsing the share your story club and came across it in one of the threads, I was immediately hooked by the story ad and have loved it ever since.

Favorite character and/or scene: This is so hard to choose, my favourite character would probably have to be Sherlock as I love his remarkable intelligence, but I also love many of the other characters too. My favourite scene would have to be the scene with John and Alana in the latest chapter, they are so sweet together.

Short Review:  'Sherlock' is thrilling and intense, the sense of suspense and mystery is sustained throughout and it constantly leaves the reader wanting more. Each chapter is expertly written with remarkable levels of detail. Mystery is a tricky genre to write as is the character of Sherlock Holmes but in this story both are nailed, the characters are consistent with the series and have a depth and intelligence that allows the reader to imagine them in front of them and empathise with them. We feel the urgency and thrill of each of Sherlock's expertly crafted cases and the satisfaction of their resolutions. A truly brilliant piece.

Would you recommend it to others?: Of course I would, it's one of the best stories that I have read in here.

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