Interview with Carolina

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Name/Username: Carolina / @CarolinaC

Favourite Book you've written: Try only book, at least, only one available here: "The Baby and the Battlefield". It's the story of a young man in a heavily Roman-inspired fantasy world who discovers an apparently orphaned infant on a battlefield. What he doesn't know, however, is that he's about to be drawn along towards the child's destiny, determined by forces he doesn't know about and doesn't understand.

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What inspired your story: This particular one was directly inspired by a dream. However, there are some pretty obvious influences that I think are pretty plain to anyone who reads it.

How did you hear about Wattpad: Would you believe I first heard about it on CBC Radio 1?

SHERLOCK Rating: 10 - it's exciting, the characters stay in character, and there are always unexpected twists.

How did you hear about it: I was following the author when she first began to post the stories, so I learned about them from the notifications in my inbox

Favourite Character/Scene: I love the author's portrayal of Watson. As for favourite scene, any time Sherlock has to deduce something - it's always so well done!

Short review: These stories are exciting, true to the source material, generally quite well-written, and really rather clever. You will enjoy watching Sherlock at his cleverest, Watson at his most exasperated, and a parade of new characters who are well-drawn and realistic.

Would you recommend it to others: Yes, certainly.

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