The police pt2

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A/N back lol. I was hungry
THIS MAY CONTAIN: $@ @buse , and fluff
Travis POV-
I asked larry for one of his jackets and he said I could have one. I took two so case he wanted to wear one. He asked if I wanted to leave and I agreed, we made our way there. "C-can you do it?.. I'm scared.." I said hiding behind him and he nodded. We were questioned and when I showed the photos larry Clung onto my arm not wanting to look. He began to cry a little as I rubbed his back.  ______________
Time skip after-
Larry's POV-
The cops had found Kenneth and they gave him 15 years. I soon realized we were being watched by a certain someone and I whispered into Travis ear on our way back to my apartment, "Travis, Henry is following us. And since he'll be looking through our window wanna so a lil something?" I say knowing he will immediately want to. I could see him blush a deep shade of red and agreed.  _____________
Time skip past that spicy part 😏

188 words

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