Chapter 10: Ventus and Shark's Tag Duel

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The next day Tetsuo and Yuma were having a duel.

"I special summon UFO Turtle!" Tetsuo announced as my summoned his monster. (UFO Turtle, Level 4, 1400)

"In that case, I'll use Gagaga Magician to attack UFO turtle!" Yuma tells Tetsuo as his magician attacks the turtle.

"Yuma-kun's personality, I just don't get him." Takashi muses to himself.

"What are you talking about?" I question looking at Takashi

"I mean his duel against Shark, If I had lost that badly, there's no way I can get back up so easily" Takashi explains

I chuckle and smirk. "He's stubborn" I say about Yuma.

"True" Takashi says with a nod.

I notice Tetsuo play the Quick Play spell Rush Recklessly raising his turtle to 2100.

"Ah, Attack power's gone up?" Yuma stammers in panic.

"In summary, Yuma-kun is a person without any pride, right?" Takashi questions.

I shrug putting my hands into my pockets. "Yuma defiantly has some pride, question is it too much or not enough."

"UFO Turtle, attack Gagaga Magician" Tetsuo yells out as the turtle destroys Yuma's magician. (Yuma: 0)

"Sheash, 20 losses in a row" I mutter into my hand.

"Damn It" Yuma mutters standing back up. "Heh, so you had a magic card too?"

I fell to the ground in embarrassment. "DID YOU REALLY NOT EXPECT A COUNTER?!" I yell out annoyed.

Yuma just sheepishly rubs the back of his head.

"Baka" I mutter face palming.

"Alright, let's do it again!" Yuma tells Tetsuo.

"You still feel like playing?" Takashi mutters in shock.

"I think he suffered one to many blows to the head from all the falling" I mutter softly enough for only Kotori and Takashi to hear.

Kotori chuckles a bit at that.

"Of course!" Yuma replies to Takashi "I'm aiming to become the Duel Champion, after all"

I look over at Tetsuo and notice a look on his face.

"Now, come at me again!" Yuma challenges Tetsuo.

"I can't do this anymore." Tetsuo says turning his back to Yuma and walking off.

"Is he still on about that?" I mentally question frowning at Tetsuo's retreating form.

"What's with him?" Yuma questions after a while before pointing at Takashi. "Then class rep, your next!"

"Eh?" Takashi stammers in shock. "But what about Ventus Kun?"

Yuma Chuckles, "Please If I dueled Ventus I wouldn't have any chance, he's ruthless." He says bluntly with a shiver in his voice.

I chuckle before noticing Kotori following Tetsuo and decide to go after her.

"Wait!" Kotori calls after Tetsuo. "Wait Up"

"Oi Tetsuo!" I yell after him making him stop.

"Tetsuo-kun!" Kotori says to our friend in worry.

"I didn't thing Yuma was that kind of person." Tetsuo tells us.

I clench my fist a bit. "What does that mean?" I hiss with venom

"That Duel." Tetsuo comments.

"Duel?" Kotori and I question.

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