Chapter 15: Lightning Fast Duel in the World of Speed, My Name is Thunder Spark

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An air horn sounds as I rev the engine causing the D-wheel to lift up slightly, Kotori yells out and grips my waist tighter as the D-Wheel shoots forward along with Thunder Sparks

"Riding Duel, ACCELERATION!"


Thunder Spark and I race forward down the underground tunnels.

"The first person to take the first corner goes first." Thunder Spark explains as he accelerates.

I nod and accelerate myself racing Thunder Spark toward the first corner.

The two of us were neck and neck racing towards the first corner, I knew I had to go first since Thunder Spark's fighting style was an unknown to me. "Hang on very tightly Kotori." I tell her.

"OK." Kotori answers and wraps her arms tightly around my waist.

"Here we go." I say as I rev the engine and drift right so I'm driving on the wall of the U shaped tunnels, causing Kotori to scream out in shock, I accelerate so I make a full circle on the roof, over shooting Thunder Spark and taking the Corner.

(Ventus: 4000, Hand: 5) (Thunder Spark: 4000, Hand: 5)

"You Okay?" I check on Kotori.

"Y-Yeah." Kotori weakly stammers.

"That's good." I say before placing my hand on my deck. "My Turn, Draw!" I say drawing before placing it into the hand holder on my wrist.

"You know, you're really good at driving this thing." Kotori Comments.

I shrug, "It just feels natural" I tell her before grabbing a card from my hand. I Normal Summon Summoner Monk from my Hand." I say placing the card onto the duel disk as a Monk appears and begins flying beside us. (Summoner Monk, Level 4, 800 ATK) "And then due to its effect, when it's summoned it goes into defense position." I explain as Summoner Monk's color scheme goes blue (800 ATk – 1600 Def) "Furthermore, I activate Summoner Monk's effect!" I state with a sweep of my hand. "By discarding a spell card." I explain as I place Galaxy Wave into the graveyard, "I can Special Summon a Level 4 Monster from my Deck, Come out, Wind-Up Shark!" I yell out as the Toy Shark appears on the field. (Wind-Up Shark, Level 4, 1500 Atk)

"Bring it." Thunder Spark states.

"I Overlay my Level 4 Summoner Monk and Wind-Up Shark." I yell out as they enter the Overlay Network, "With these two Level 4 Monsters, I build the Overlay Network." I chant out, "This one's for you Kotori." I tell her as a card pops out of the extra deck, XYZ SHOUKAN! Cheer, Rank 4 Fairy Cheer Girl!" I call out as the Tiny Fairy Xyz Monster Kotori gave me earlier is summoned out. (Fairy Cheer Girl, Rank 4, 1900 Atk)

"What a Cute Monster!" Thunder Spark yells out somehow spinning his D-Wheel in a circle.

Fairy Cheer Girl gives Thunder Spark a little heart wink.

"I Activate Fairy Cheer Girl's effect!" I yell out, pulling attention back to the duel, "I detach an overlay unit and draw a card." I explain as an Overlay Unit is absorbed into Cheer Girl's pom pom's and she does a little cheer as I draw a card. I look at my draw for a sec, "I set two cards and end my turn!" I explain as the two cards materialize face down. (Ventus, Hand: 3)

"My Move, Draw!" (Hand: 6) Thunder Spark says drawing his card. "Watch me closely Kotori-chwaan!" Thunder Spark yells out. I feel a tic mark form on my forehead.

"Annoyance." I hear Kotori grumble under her breath that shocked me a bit because I had never heard Kotori say anything negative about a person.

"I Summon Mahunder!" Thunder Spark says slapping a card onto the duel disk as a lightning lady appears in a flurry of lightning boats. (Mahunder, Level 4, 1400 Atk) "Next Due to Mahunder's effect I summon Pahunder from my hand." He explains as a male version of Mahunder appears. (Pahunder, Level 4, 1300 Atk) "I activate the spell card double summon." Thunder Spark says as he puts the spell into the duel disk. "I can Normal Summon an additional time this turn, "Come out Sishunder. (Sishunder, Level 4, 900 Atk)

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