The Party

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Tommy grinned, today would be perfect, he was turning 18, the party was planned to perfection, Phil had promised to keep Techno and Dream away from L'Manburg, all his friends had promised to come, it would be amazing.

He wished Drista would be here, but he hadn't seen her in months, Goddess of Chaos duties and all that he guessed, it sucked though, she was the only one of his friends who wouldn't be able to make it to the party.

But even still, today would be amazing, nothing could go wrong, Dream was far away, and they were all safe, treaties had been formed just so he could turn 18 in peace.

Finally he wouldn't be able to be called a child.

Finally he'd be a man.

He was so excited.

Tommy walked around the community house one more time, all the decorations were perfect, Niki had promised to bring cake, and she was an amazing baker, so he knew it would be awesome.

Just one hour, then the party would start.

It would all go amazingly, he was sure.

He sat down in one of the chairs he had brought in and sent a message to Tubbo.

Tommy: Hey Bee, could you come early? I'm bored waiting and I wanna get this party startedddd

He smiled, pocketing his phone, he couldn't wait to see Tubbo's present for him, he knew for a fact his best friend would have something amazing prepared.

His phone alerted him to a message a few moments later and he pulled it back out of his pocket.

Tubbo: Sure thing Boss Man, cya soon :D

Tommy grinned, pocketing his phone once more and checking all the decorations again.

This party would be perfect, he'd make sure of it.

He started playing the music, grinning as one of his favourite songs came on.

He waited for a few more minutes before he heard loud crashing outside and heavy footsteps.

He rushed to his feet, drawing his sword just in case, he dashed outside, only to be met with Tubbo carrying a massive present in his back.

Tommy burst into laughter, Tubbo was bent 90 degrees at his hips, his back flat, with a present that was at least two times his size on his back.

"Oh stop laughing and come help me" Tubbo muttered, grinning.

Tommy dashed forward, helping Tubbo carry it into the community house.

"That's fucking massive" Tommy laughed.

"That's what she said" Tubbo snickered.

Tommy rolled his eyes, before pulling his friend into a hug.

"Your the best King" Tommy beamed.

"Happy birthday Boss Man" Tubbo smiled, hugging his friend back

There was a loud bang and streamers flew everywhere.

Tommy jumped back in surprise, he hadn't set anything like that up, he looked over to the noise, and somehow his massive smile got bigger.

"Where's my invite?" Drista snapped.

"DRISTA!" Tommy beamed, dashing forward to give his friend a hug.

"Happy Birthday, but why didn't you invite me?" Drista whined.

"I wanted to but I didn't know how to contact a god"

"That's fair, well, todays your day, happy birthday, the goddess of chaos is at your service" Drista grinned, mockingly bowing.

A Gift From The Goddess of Chaos (DSMP Tommycentric + Gods of the SMP Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now