The After Party

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They were all about to start walking to the daycare together to pick up Shroud and Micheal when there was a loud crack of thunder, strange for a clear night.

"Shit" Drista muttered under her breath, summoning a trident in her hand, ready to defend the boys.

"What's going on?" Tubbo asked as Drista stepped in front of the three, holding an arm out to stop them.

"XD is here" Drista warned, searching the darkest for him.

"Who?" Tommy asked.

"My brother, the god of gods, he's got anger issues, although don't tell him I said that, and he also happens to look almost identical to Dream, prepare yourselves"

Tommy whimpered nervously, stepping back cower behind Ranboo, not wanting to see Dream or anyone like him.

Ranboo smiled comfortingly at Tommy, before looking back to Drista.

"Is he going to hurt us?" Ranboo asked cautiously.

"Depends why he's here" Drista admitted nervously.

Seconds of nervous silence past as Drista inspected the darkness for her older brothers the vengeful god of gods.

There! In the darkness there was a green flicker.

She spun towards it, putting herself between the boys and the light, and a few seconds later, XD stepped out of the shadows and onto the Prime Path, which was poorly lit by torches that cast shadows all around them.

"What do you want XD?" Drista asked, an edge to her voice.

"What did you do?" XD snarled, "You did something, what did you do?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Drista replied, even toned, not letting her terror for Tommy get the best of her, she had forgotten about XD and what he might do to Tommy.

"It's him, you did something to him!" XD growled, turning to Tommy and stretching out an accusatory finger.

Drista instantly stepped in front of XD again, protecting Tommy.

"What did you do Drista?" XD hissed.

"Nothing! I- Nothing!" Drista gulped.

"I know you did something, I can feel it!"

"I didn't! I didn't do anything!" Drista whimpered.

"Swear it, swear you never did anything, swear it by Twitch Prime, then I'll believe you" XD snapped, knowing that no one swore anything by Twitch Prime without doing it.

Twitch Prime was supreme, no one was foolish enough to ignore it.

Drista whimpered, and, not knowing what to do, she stayed silent.

"I knew it!" XD roared.

"Please don't hurt him XD! Please, I beg you" Drista pleaded, terrified for Tommy.

"What. Did. You. Do?" XD asked again, emphasising each word with a flash of lighting and a crack of thunder.

Drista shook slightly, terrified of her brother, knowing the damage he could do.

"Drista." XD insisted.

"I GAVE HIM A POWER ORB!" Drista admitted, falling to her knees in defeat, too terrified to do anything to stop XD, "Please, please, please I'm begging you, don't hurt him, I'll do anything, anything at all, please"

"You shouldn't have done that Drista" XD snarled.

"Please XD, please spare him"

"You know I can't do that Drista" XD sighed.

A Gift From The Goddess of Chaos (DSMP Tommycentric + Gods of the SMP Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now