1- Mission

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Y/n, a Traveller from Sumeru visits Liyue again after 3 years. Some things have changed, some are still the same.
Then, one day, she met a man.
A bloodthirsty ginger from snezhnaya.
Which also happens to be part from the fatui.
And not just that, he is a harbinger.


"Brother!! I'll be leaving now" said the woman.
Her brother rushed to her, hugging her tight.
He hugged her one last time before she will travel to Liyue.
Y/n hugged him back just as tight.
"I'll miss you" is what he said
"I'll miss you too, but i have to go now!"


The young woman with h/c and h/l hair finally arrives at a gate to Liyue harbour.
Her e/c coloured eyes sparkled at sight of the lively city. "I'm finally here" is what she thought.
She stepped through the gate and walked around the harbour.

Y/n looked at all the different people and noticed how much had changed in those three years.
She smiled brightly at the illuminating city.
It was in the evening.
The street lights were on and Liyue was just beautiful.

There was some kind of Festival going on.
Many merchants advertised the many different kind of things they sell.
"Fresh Lavender Melons from Inazuma and other different local specialties!"
"Handmade porcelain tablewear and more!"
"Handmade clothing! 20% off!!"

There were so many people.
"AHHHHHH i love it but those are way too many people" y/n thought.
She panicked slightly and wanted to get away.
She left to walk to an alley between some houses.
It was a dark and pretty scary alley but it would be okay. Right?

"I don't even know where i should stay at night.." she mumbled worriedly to herself.
The deeper she went into the alley, the scarier it got.

She shook her head and decided to go back and maybe try to enjoy that festival.
Y/n just got here, she should enjoy it.
When she turned around to go back to the festival she felt someone behind her, she felt an intense stare that lingered on her back. She froze in her place. She got goosebumps and felt the hair on her neck stand up.
The stare felt so dangerous.
When she turned around no one was there.
Y/n sighed and told herself to calm down.
"I'm just excited.."

She then turned around again and went to enjoy the festival.
Little did Y/n know, that the gaze of a harbinger, who was located in that same alley, was following her.


Y/n enjoyed the festival. It was great. She is now at a food stand, ordering a local dish from Liyue.
Just when she got her food and sat down at an empty table right beside the counter of the food stand, a young man, probably in his 20's with ginger hair and an intense blue gaze walked up to her table.

That intense glare seemed so familiar to her. The man smiled at her "what is a pretty lady like you doing all alone, hm?" Y/n just looked at him, slightly confused. It was an awkward moment for her. The man chuckled "may i sit down with you, girlie?" Y/n looked just more confused now. She slowly nodded her head and follwed his body with her eyes as he sat down across from her. His choice of words is weird. Is what she thought. Girlie. That sounds like a cheesy nickname that lovers would use.

He shot a close-eyed smile at her. It looked so forced but she couldn't help but slightly smile back. That seemed to satisfy the man.
What even is his name..?
Just like he would be able to read her mind he started the conversation. "You can call me Tartaglia. What name do you go by, my lady?"
You slightly blush at the man. What a weird name. "Y/n." The woman said quietly it is also the only thing that she was able to say.

"I've never seen you around here, are you perhaps a traveler, or just new here?"
"I'm a traveler but it is not my first time here in Liyue" y/n answered.
He smiled at her again "do you have a place to stay at?"
She shook her head no
"You could stay at mine, if you wouldn't mind, ofcourse."
Y/n thought the offer was nice but wasn't sure.
Staying at a strangers home could be dangerous.
But she doesn't have anywhere else to go.

"I'm not sure"
He chuckled lightly
She blushed slightly, again.
"i don't bite, most of the time, don't worry"
Her face felt so hot when she heard his words.
He is smiling smugly at her.

"Would it really be okay for you?" She asked, concerned.
"Yes, ofcourse. Otherwise i wouldn't have put up the offer, hm?"
She thought a bit about it. The ginger thought her face was cute when she was lost in her thoughts like that.
"If it's really okay with you-"

That being enough of an answer for Tartaglia, he took her smaller hands into his and lead her out of the crowd.
The whole way to his house he unconsciously held her hand. And that made her blush.
When they came to a stop he realized that and let go of her hand while they both blushed and deep down wished for their hands to touch again.
he opened the door to his house and lead her in the living room.

"You can sleep in the guest room, or with me ofcourse." He said, smirking at her.
She blushed but ignored the heat on her cheeks.
"No thank you I'll take the guest room"
He chuckled "what a pity.."


He showed her around the house a bit and then both of them went off to sleep. Actually not.
Y/n couldn't close just one of her eyes because so many thoughts rushed through her head.
While Tartaglia was still busy with some work that was on his desk, many thoughts also rushed through his head. He cannot fail this.
He needs to successfully complete this mission.


i deeply apologize if my english is bad and if the grammar is wrong!!
This is just a little scenario that i often think about and i thought; why not just write a fanfic about it. And i would also like to ask some questions!

Is the length of this chapter okay or should i try to make them longer in the future?

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I hope you enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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