It was a Lie

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Jungkook's childhood POV:
I saw what no kid should ever see.."w-who are you people?! And what are you doing in our house!" The weak woman looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Please kid you have to help us, he won't let us out.." What had my father done. These women had whip marks and salt on their wounds. "Find the key and let us out now before he comes back." She said. I was scared I couldn't think of why my father would do this so I tried my best to find the key 🔑 but no luck. I heard footsteps so I hid. "Jungkook? Are you down here? You know your father doesn't like it when you come here." I came out from behind the door. "Mom!! We have to help these ladies they're hurt ! They said daddy hits them." My mom looked scared so scared she went pale. She ran upstairs and all I remember is her calling the police and my dad getting handcuffed and thrown into a police car.
She says I was too traumatized to continue my day to day life so she took me to an asylum. The worst years of my life were spent there. End of his POV.
"Jungkook?" My mom said in a sweet tone. "Are you alright honey? You spaced out on me." I snapped back into reality and smiled at her. " yeah sorry mom I was just thinking of something." She smiled at me "something or someone?" She said while giggling. "W-What? No!" She then said "are you sure? Because it seemed like that kiss from yesterday was real and very very passionate you know." I shook my head "No absolutely not mom!" I got up and walked off to my room. It was true ..I couldn't even stop thinking of y/n I needed to see her I needed to be with her. I need her. All I could think of was embracing her in my arms. Yet I couldn't even text her back I don't know what was going on with me.
/// January 30th///
Narrator: January 30th was the day Y/n's sister was murdered. Exactly two days later y/n , Jungkook, and Jimin were asked to come into the police station for questioning. After that y/n and Jungkook hung out and got closer then ever..they even hooked up. But when Jungkook told Y/n he loved her y/n grew kind of suspicious of him. If he truly loved Darla as he claimed he did then how could he move on so fast. Some puzzle pieces just weren't adding up. She decided to do some background research and noticed that for a few years of his childhood he was sent away to an asylum. She was even more she decided to meet up with him once more.
Present time:
"I know it's weird I asked you to come over so late but I wanted to ask you a couple things if you don't mind." He looked at me weird "Sure but what's with the camera.." I looked at the camera then back at him. "Well I wanted to record our conversation for evidence if any. Don't mind it." He just nodded his head. "I knew you wanted to help the officers but I didn't think you were this serious about it." I then said "Of course my sister was murdered. I need to take this serious." He then sighed "Alright well let's begin I guess." I smiled "so Mr. Jeon on January 30th what did you do exactly?" He spoke "Well I had breakfast with my mom and then I went to pick up my dry cleaning and after that I went back home to change into my gym clothes and I went to the park for a run. After that I came home took a shower and headed off to help my step father at his office." I wrote this down in my notepad. "So one question, you said after breakfast you went to pick up your dry cleaning right? Why didn't you just have your guards or maid pick it up for you?" He laughed "well for one I don't like to overwork my staff and two I prefer to go myself that way I can leave a tip." I just glared at him and wrote that down. " Jungkook I did some research and I saw that you were put in asylum when you were a child..if you don't mind me asking why exactly were you-" he interrupted me "That's not exactly your business and I'm surprised you're so bold to ask, but seeing as you want to know I'll tell you. My father biological father was a murderer he kidnapped women and locked them in our basement. Unfortunately for me but fortunately for the women I found them..and seeing things like what I saw that day was very traumatic for me especially as a child. My mom thought it would be best for me to be taken away and thoroughly examined by professionals." I spoke.."So did it help?" He looked at me " Define..worked?" I could see in his eyes the pain he must've gone through there too. "Forget it. I should've never asked you this..we're done here. I don't think you had anything to do with it." He then said to me "Did you actually think I had something to do with this?" I looked away "Whaaaat no! I did not haha.." he shook his head in disbelief. "Are you serious right now? Why the hell would you think that! I could never hurt Darla..I loved her!" I didn't mean to but I blurted this out "Yeah well if you really loved her then WHY THE HELL DID YOU TELL ME YOU LOVED ME?!" I covered my mouth in shock. "Because I do..or at least I thought I did. People have a change of heart in who they fall for. Just because I said I loved you doesn't mean I didn't love Darla. Although I'm sure I mad a mistake falling for you." He got up and left. Great going y/n you really SCREWED THAT ONE UP!

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