My world.

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After the argument with my mother I went home. I slammed my door shut and walked into my kitchen taking out a glass and poured myself some wine. I began thinking out loud.
"Why does everyone keep lying to me...everything and everyone in my life has turned out to be such a liar." I just want peace , is that too much to ask for?? I took a sip of my wine, I remember earlier with my mother I had already drank a glass. I know what comes next isn't going to be pretty. I just wanted to feel happy and relaxed. Apparently drinking is my only way out of reality wow listen to me what a mess huh? What has my life become. I'm so pathetic..married to someone who mistreated me. A mother who lied to me my whole life, and even the one person I thought was good turned out to be a piece of own father who is another liar. And to think the only person who deserved my tears and sorrow now gone. "Darla I know you're gone..and now I know why you hated me so much and I don't blame you. I couldn't apologize to you and as idiotic as this may sound, I- I'm so sorry , I failed you as a sister, instead of actually trying to figure out why you hated me I focused on hating you back and that was my biggest mistake. If I had you here I would make it up to you everyday, maybe that's why I want justice for you. Even though you're gone I know you're with me and I hope and pray that you can forgive me because I forgive you. Cheers my beautiful sister." And with that I drank my wine. I began feeling many mixed emotions, I heard my phone ringing from a distance. "Who the hell could that be? Hm?? Jimin ugh what does he want." I answered it. "Mmm what? What the hell could you possibly want right now!" He responded "Y/n are you drunk right now?!" I laughed and said "What?! No!! If you're calling me to lecture me about how I can't handle my liquor then guess what I will hang up on youuu!!" he sounded frustrated , "I'm coming over don't go anywhere!" I hung up. Ugh what a bore. As if I can't handle my own liquor who does he think I am some kind of child! I am fully capable of doing things on my own! I walked towards my living room and grabbed the whole bottle of wine. I drank until I took the last drop. This is the good stuff right here it makes me feel TINGLYYYY!!! I giggled.

20 minutes later....
Authors pov:
Y/n was passed out on the couch dreaming of beautiful sky's and rainbows and her sister darla in a beautiful white gown walking down the aisle. Y/n turns to see the groom... she couldn't make out to see his face clearly. "Y/n...Y/n!! Y/N!!!!" She wakes up.
End of pov.
What a huge headache ...I opened my eyes hearing someone yell out my name and there he was...looking down at me with those worried eyes. "J-Jimin?? Why are you here?" He sat me up. "I was worried you sounded..well drunk over the phone and knowing you I thought you would do something stupid." I looked at him confused, he went towards the kitchen and brought me back a glass of water. "Here drink this and take these..they're for your headache which I'm sure you have right about now." Why is he being so ...different. "Thanks... so what did you mean by i would do something stupid?" He looked down at my wrists. I sighed... "Oh right....that. Listen I know I'm going through a lot right now but...I'm done trying to do that. I lost someone very important in my life and realized that life is short , I shouldn't be trying to make it shorter. But anyways thank you for caring about me. I appreciate it." He smiled "I'll always care about you. I Love- I mean I ...loved you once upon a time right?" My smile faded away..hearing that "loved" felt wrong. " you had called me right? What for?" He grabbed something from the table. "Right I did call you, I actually called you to tell you that you're free." I looked at him confused. "Free??" He handed me the papers and I read them. He then spoke. "I signed the divorce papers. I had some time to think about it and I know that you deserve better and that you've been through so much because of me. I know what we had is long gone and I shouldn't have taken you for granted when I had you. But I won't keep you around me if you're unhappy. You deserve the world y/n and I hope that you can find someone who will give it to you." Wow...well that was unexpected and also a lot for me to process. "Jimin ...I don't know what to say. I wasn't expecting this at all." He smiled "yeah I actually am surprised myself. Well since you're better now I should probably go , oh and don't worry about the fees and stuff for the divorce I'll be sure to take care of it. And I also spoke with your lawyer and I'll be sure to send you your check." I looked at him confused again. "I'm sorry my check??" He replied back "Yes your check , half of everything I own is yours. So I'm not gonna fight about that, I told you I want what's best for you." He was about to leave but something just came over me. "Jimin wait !! I ...I need you." He turned around. "You need me? What's wrong is everything okay??" I shook my head no. "I just need someone to talk to and you're the only one who's ever known everything about me. You're all I have left." He looked happy hearing me say that. He sat back down. "Talk to me y/n what's going on?" And well I did , I told him everything. We spent hours taking about the situation and how it all just made sense. He was surprised to hear that Darla was just my half sister. And even just for a moment it felt like... "I got my husband back." He looked up at me. "What?" I smiled at him "it's just that sitting here talking to you feels like when we first started dating. I miss it. I wish we could go back in time to that day." his expression changed to a sad one. "Even though I hurt you?" I held his hand "Jimin don't you remember what I said to you. I would still choose you in every life time." Our faces got closer to each other and our lips were inches away from kissing. "Y/n..I told you, you deserve better. You deserve the world." I shushed him " You are my whole world, you've always been. Even though you hurt me I can't forget you. And I forgive you. You've shown me that you can change. You're not this evil person you pretend to be. I know the real you." He started crying. I wiped his tears and we kissed. And for one brief moment it felt like everything was normal.

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