Lowkey Sus..

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When I got home I noticed my apartment lights on, I walked in and saw her sitting in my living room. "What the hell do you want?" She looked at me and got up to hug me tightly. "Y/n ...I'm so sorry I should have taken care of her better!! Don't leave me...please." Is she talking about my sisters death.. " Is this about Darla? If it is then you can cut the act." She let go of me and looked into my eyes "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner..I just didn't know how. But I'm not acting y/n this is my fault and I know that." I wanted to kick her out but it was late so I let her be and stay the night , she slept on my bed and I slept on the couch. When I woke up the next morning she was gone. "Weird. I need to get ready for work." I changed and did some light makeup soon after I got to the school where I now work at. Everyone greeted me and the day went by quick. Good too cause I was exhausted. I got a message *from jungkook: hey let's go have dinner* I replied with a sure and went home to change. We met up at this nice restaurant when we walked in I immediately noticed Jimin with some girl. We both ignored it and walked to our table. "How was work?" He asked me. "Ah it was alright and you?" He always made eye contact with me sometimes it made me blush. " I don't really have a job. Since I'm you know "well off." Right I forgot guys like him don't need a job. "Apologies I forgot you were rich." He chuckled. When our food was brought out we had a nice conversation and he just made me feel really comfortable. I know it's not right for me to feel this way about my now dead sisters ex boyfriend..but is it so wrong? He placed a hand over mine. "Lost in thought?" He asked while looking me in the eye. "Gosh..you are so...hot" omg did I just say that out loud- he laughed. "Am I?" He said while smirking. "I-I didn't mean to blurt that out I'm sorry." It wasn't a while until Jimin walked over to our table with his shall I say? Slut. "Funny running into you two here." He said while looking at me up and down as if he were enjoying the view "what?" I asked in a cold tone. "Nothing you seem to be enjoying yourself considering what happened the other day." Jungkook looked over at me. Then smirked "Oh right she told me how you harassed her." I was surprised but I didn't say anything "I wouldn't harass her. We just had a little chat.." Me and jungkook were sitting next to each other keep that in mind. He turned to look at me and whispered in my ear .. " someone's in trouble tonight" I felt chills down my spine.. "Jungkook.." he held my chin and pulled my face close to his gently and kissed me. "Ahem..well we'll get going you two seem busy." Jimin left pissed. I broke the kiss and we both laughed. After that I went home and he followed behind me. "So..I guess I'll see you around?" He bit his bottom lip. "Are you sure you want me to go..?" He asked me leaning close to me. So ladies you decide y/n's fate.. hehe until next time xoxo ~ stupid bitch.

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