Gen 1 Chapter 31 (Learning Experience Part 13)

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"Hey, F-Bomb, I need to get you to your hotel." Yelled Foster.

Fredrick looked at her dead in the eyes and said, "Alright."

"Also we're walking because freely using magic is kinda illegal," Foster added. "And transportation is garbage and overpriced here."

They both walked out of the court room to it being nighttime. Then Fredrick got this sharp pain in his back, it made him fall to the ground. His back was bleeding. The stitches have probably bursted, but why now.

Foster asked Fredrick, "You alright F?" She then noticed his back was bleeding. "Dear lord..." She grabbed something from her pocket, clicked a button on it and said, "We need medical attention, now!"

The first responders of this island suddenly showed up out of nowhere. They look like medics. They had a white jumpsuit with a Red Cross on the left side of the chest, a grey gas mask with a Red Cross on the forehead, the lenses are red, red gloves, and grey shoes. They had brought a medical bed with them, which was blue and silver.

They placed Fredrick up onto the bed, but Fredrick noticed something weird about them they didn't breath at all. Fredrick blinked and he was somewhere else and sitting up on a different bed with the back of his shirt pulled up. One of the "doctors" was stitching his back up while removing the old stitches with some sort of magic. When it was finished Fredrick walked out of the hospital room to see Gregory in crutches and with bandages all over him, even some covering his eyes.

Gregory then murmured, "Hello Fredrick."

To Be Continued...

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