|Part 5|

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Chester's POV

I sit down next to the sister and just record the room and her, before I spoke.

"Hey, don't take my friend too seriously" I nudged her and tried to get her to smile. "He's just not great with being nice.. if you get what I mean."

"Mhm.. yeah my zissy isn't the greatest with being nice sometimes," she had a small smile on her face.

I smiled and thought of what to say next but, she got up and said-

"Hey sorry but I'm a bit tired I'm going to go say goodnight to Y/N," then walked away.

I got up and followed, with the camera on her trying not to be creepy. We walked into the kitchen and saw the two at the table talking. I jogged to Parker and stood next to him then poked him in the arm so he would stop talking. He noticed and stopped as Dylan stood next to her sibling.

"Hey I think I'm gonna head to bed.." Dylan yawned.

Y/N got up, "okay! Well can you help show the guest to their room?" They asked.

Dylan looked at Parker then, me and shrugged. Y/N gestured for us to follow them and so I did. I was trying to not be so suspicious with my camera but, I am not great at that. I noticed that Dylan was looking around and kinda nervous like something was going to come out of the dark. I kept the camera pointed at her head, making sure I'm not showing her.

We made it to a couple doors, in a hall and Y/N started to talk, "so that one is your room, two beds don't worry." They pointed while talking, "and that is the bathroom and if you need one of us our rooms are down the very end." Y/N smiled and waved bye as Parker and I walked into our room.

I showed the camera around the room and looked in different corners. Parker put up a camera and started to walk out to go put more around. After we went around and did that we went back to our room. Parker went to the toilet for a second to wash his hands. And when he did I pushed the beds together like normal.

Third person POV

Parker walked into the bathroom and turned on the sink feeling cold water in his hands. He pushed some up to his face and rubbed it in. Parker turned off the water and grabbed his shirt to wipe his face. He then opened his eyes and thought he saw a shadow behind him.

"What was that..?!" He whispered yelled, quickly walking out of the bathroom and into the bed room.

When he got to the room he saw that Chester had pushed the beds together per usual. He rolled his eyes and laid down, Chester a mere meter or so away from him.

"Alright I'm gonna head to sleep," Parker yawned and faced away from Chester.

"How can you sleep in this house?!" Chester mumbled, laying down.

Parker shushed him and they both fell silent. Parker's snores and the occasional creek of the house are all that Chester heard as he fell asleep.

(Few minutes earlier)

Y/N walked Dylan to her room and hugged her. They then walked to their own room and went straight to their bed. Y/N practically fell onto their bed and to sleep but, then remembered something. They got up quietly and went to their door and opened it slightly and as they knew there was the cat sitting and waiting.

Y/N picked up Witcher and brought him to the bed and placed him next to themselves as they laid down. Y/N stroked the cat as it purred and layed it's head down on the pillow.

Then, after a bit Y/N felt their eyes getting droopy and they fell asleep.

Dylan's POV?!

I got into my room and quickly shut my door behind me, before looking around my room. I sighed and walked to my closet I sat down on my knees and put my hand inside of the closet.

I smiled, as I felt something warm against my hand. It moved so that our fingers were connected, I pulled my hand out of the closet and got up and as I did so did David.

I pulled him into my arms and hugged him, "oh davey I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." I apologised, as his arms wrapped around me. I leaned my chin on his shoulder and squeezed him.

"It's..okay..Dylan," his words stumbled out and he started to quietly scream.

I tried to let go but, he kept me with him. "David, I know I'm hurting you.." I paused, "just let me go and change then you can get hugs."

He let go and went for a small walk while I changed. He was such a gentleman sometimes. I finished putting on a nightie and I poked my head out the door and saw David. His skin had black goop running down his arms and on his clothes but, that was just what happened when he go human contact. I pulled him in quickly, making sure no one was in the hall and we went to sit on my bed.

We sat down and giggled like kids at a sleepover. David tried to hold me and but I pushed him away. I shook my head. I didn't want to hurt him again. David sighed and faced away from me. He did this when, he was faking being mad so, that I would give him hugs.

"You're not gonna hurt me and if you did I could take it for you.." he looked at me with his brown-black eyes.

I gave up and let him cuddle me. I could feel his goop on me, it was mild in temperature and not that wet. It felt like an inky type thing.

I leaned on to him and I could hear him making uncomfortable noises. I know he was in pain but, he was soft and I fell asleep.

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