Chapter 4 (CW)

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CW:Suicide, vomiting

The home of the two heads were in a troubling blur.

Servants and family members all came together at this late time of the night because of an unexpected tragedy. The brown haired woman has passed out while the man with the blue scarf was vomiting lots. The bodyguard who came with them was filled with so much lament, he can barely make eye contact with anyone.   

“Ma’am, Sir, I don’t think she’s breathing!” The maid alerted the two children.

Surprisingly enough, the children seemed nonchalant throughout the entire situation. They didn’t have a single expression of melancholy or anxiety on their face. “Alert the hospital about it then, be quick.”The eldest said with a blank expression on his face. The youngest then came to the son, bringing him another alerting news.

“Brother, father just passed out on the bathroom floor, it’s best to bring him with mother.” The youngest told him as she fixed her silver hair in place.

The eldest looked back at the maid, "Call an ambulance right now, do you hear me?" He ordered as the maid bowed her head and moved quickly. He turned back to the youngest who had a grim smile on their face.

"You did that, didn't you?"He asked her. The youngest laughed it off, "I was planning to, but looks someone else did the job for me."She mentioned before giggling.

"You know how I'm supposed to have an arranged marriage with some blonde rich man in a few weeks? Well, they also died yesterday! It's like there's some angel making miracles for me."She gladly muttered before laughing loudly.

He glared at his sister, putting her in silence.

“I know how you feel about this situation but can you please turn it down? If anyone hears about this then you’ll be in great danger.” He warned his younger sister. She simply didn’t talk about it anymore and nodded in sign of agreement. The youngest looked around her environment instead to clear her excitement only to observe the bodyguard on the balcony, lowering his gaze on the cold far ground. He removed his shoes and placed them on the floor before standing on the bars.

"Sir! Please don’t do that!” The youngest yelled out, alerting the eldest son and the bodyguard. She ran up to the balcony to try and stop the man from jumping to his death. Her brother followed her footsteps as they met the eyes of the troubled man. They were dull and red. “Sir, wear your shoes again and come down.” The son commanded.

"I'm so sorry Sir, I failed to protect the heads of the company. I apologize for failing at my job." That remorseful bodyguard mumbled before jumping off the balcony and falling to his death.

Oh how the daughter covered her face from the sight.

She didn’t cover it out of fear or sorrow, she covered it to try and repress her excitement. “This day keeps getting better and better!” She loudly commented, which alerted the different servants and members of the home.

“M-Miss?”A servant couldn’t believe her ears.

The son simply ignored his younger sister and looked at the servants sternly, “Let her be, have you forgotten about how they used to treat her? What I need you to do right now is to retrieve his body, bring him to the hospital with our parents, and contact the police station about this. We shall run an investigation about this and find the culprit.” He commanded.

With the death of the two heads, it’s all up to the eldest son now.

Every responsibility, every family matter, and the company too.

It was all under his power now.


Kyo stood by the gate as the ambulance came by, but he also encountered another surprising happening. A suicide just happened in the home and he had to watch servants cry over the dead body.

The sight made him regret what he did but he simply shrugged it off.

If I were to feel guilt and regret then that would mean that I failed to maintain my stability as an assassin.

As an assassin, you have to see different kinds of heartbreak happen before you. You have to be ready to see people mourn the death of their loved ones.  It's not the right job for a coward like me.

He opened his phone and called Kohaku, the mission for today was finished.

“Save me a seat, Unity.”


Kyo met up with Kohaku at the restaurant, he was exhausted and scarred from what he had seen on his mission. He mindlessly scrolled through old memories to comfort himself.

"Look Kyo, I'm sorry if I left you without a plan." I just did it so you could be more self-sufficient. " Kohaku apologized to her silent acquaintance.

Kyo gazed at her with dull eyes. Kohaku sighed and said, "Look, if something bad happened while you were on your mission, then I can't really help you with it. It already happened; it's time to move on to the next one. "  Kohaku reminded him, he simply slouched back and kept on scrolling through his phone.

"Huh, he seems to be ignoring me. This is bad news for our mission." Kohaku thought to herself. Out of curiosity, she decided to take a look at Kyo's phone.

Kohaku then saw a picture of Kyo with a friend. "Who's that guy? Do you know him? " Kohaku tried to strike up a conversation with her acquaintance.

Kyo sighed, "It's just an old friend. For some reason, he just disappeared without warning." He explained in a low tone.

A bright idea then caught Kohaku's mind.

"Kyo! I have an offer for you!" She loudly mentioned.

"If you manage to finish this mission successfully, then I'll help you find your friend! It's a promise!" Kohaku beamed as she raised her right hand as a sign of her promise.

After this, she offered her right hand out.

Kyo stared at her and shook her hand immediately. Kohaku gladly shook his hand back and started to ask questions. "Now tell me, what's his name? What does he look like? His home? His family?" She asked without taking a single breath.

Kyo took a sip of his water and answered, "His name is Yuuma. I don't know much about his family, but I do know that he has a younger sibling."

His acquaintance listed every detail he named out. "Can you show me what he looks like again?"Kyo opened his phone and decided to open a picture of his pink-haired friend. His acquaintance had made sure to keep track of every detail.

"We have a deal, friend!"

Kyo and Kohaku finished eating and parted ways. The lowly assassin went home, still filled with regret of what he had done.

Was it really worth it to ruin so many lives just for your personal needs?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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