Chapter 17

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Whatever we both want — those words swirl around in my head, stirring me on. But what's happening between Rico and myself is more about circumstance than affection. As in, us getting horny because our bodies are knotted tighter than a lace on a shoe, causing our hormones to climb and our libidos to go bonkers. So I won't lie and say I don't want him when I do.

Nor do I pretend to know what's right or wrong in this situation, since it's all so confusing. But Rico's not making it any easier with his lips on the back of my neck, leaving soft kisses with the occasional lick of his wet tongue.

I should be ashamed of myself for letting this happen when he's unavailable and in a relationship with another woman. But after wrapping his body around mine like a python ready to devour a meal, I'm finding it hard to resist him. Especially since my body doesn't seem to recognize the word 'resist' anymore—it's as if I don't have a say in the matter. Because the more I tell myself to ignore the urges stirring inside me, between us, the more I want to roll over. "If we have sex," I say, "it could complicate things."

He sits up, rolls me onto my back and then spreads my legs wide before he sits at the end of my feet. I think he's trying to shock me. But I only bite my lip and smile, wondering what he'll think when he finds out I'm extremely forward when it comes to sex and knowing what I want.

As he runs both hands along my lower legs and across the denim of my jeans, he says, "What we do is between us? Just tell me you wanna do this?"

I lick my lip and say, "I wanna do this."

"That's all I need to hear. You'll begging me to stop by the time I'm done."

"Oh, honey, that's not me," I confess, "you might be the one begging me."

When his hands reach my knees, he changes position and uses his fingers to travel along my inner thighs. My breath catches as he gets lower and lower and my back bone curves with anticipation of what he'll do next. But the unexpected sound of a ringing phone coming from his jeans pocket has me saying, "You told me you didn't have any service."

He ignores me and the ringing phone, as if in a trance as his fingers meet at the main join in my jeans. Which has me nibbling my lip a little too hard and nipping it with my teeth. "You really wanna do this?" I whisper.

"Yeah, I wanna do this. A whole fucking lot."

That's when I snap my legs shut. His hands caught between them. I sit up and take his spikey chin between my fingers and then bring his head closer to mine. He swallows, and I can almost taste him on my lips. But I don't kiss him. Instead, I release his chin and run my finger along his bottom lip and say, "If we do this, and I wanna do this with you a whole fucking lot." I tell him. "Then you better tell me the truth. Did you have service on your phone or not?"

He's looks dumbfounded by the question. "Who gives a shit?"

I grab his chin again. "I do. Now answer me before I bite your lip, hard."

"What the..." he whispers with a sudden chuckle.

When he doesn't answer, I lean in to him, ready to take his lip between my teeth, when he tries to kiss me. But I put my hand on his mouth. "Not yet. Now, I'll give you one more chance to tell me. If you lie to me, you won't be touching me anywhere. Understand?"

His breath deepens, and he lets out a jagged breath before he nods. "Ok. Whatever. I'll play your game because I like it. Because I wanna fuck." he doesn't mince his words or his actions as his hands spread my legs and pulls me in against him. A shiver of greedy want swells within me and I do my best to contain myself. "You didn't answer my question. Did your phone have service?"

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