A New Life

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Seven Years Later

The cool breeze blew through the Heartlands area, the beautiful green grass swaying back and forth with the direction of the wind. Deers and Buffalos roaming the area as a wagon rides along the dirt road.

In the back of the wagon were three kids, two girls and one boy, sitting there with a golden Labrador laying down next to them. The oldest child, Annebeth, was reading a book while her two younger siblings, five year old Eleanor and seven year old Alistair, were playing with these toys they were able to keep while the two adults, Arthur and (y/n), were in the front seats steering the wagon as the lone horse leads the way to the town of Valentine.

"I think we need to stop here and get some supplies, Arthur. We're getting kinda low on food." (Y/n) tells Arthur. "I know. We also probably need to take in some jobs." He said. "So, stay here in Valentine for a few days and then be on our way again?" (Y/n) asked him. "I reckon...so you better behave." Arthur teased her. "I feel like I should be saying that to you." (Y/n) said, smirking, and he laughs. "You're probably right." He said as they pass the train station and enter Valentine.

"God, this place brings back memories." (Y/n) said as she looks around the old familiar town. "Good? Or bad?" Arthur asked her. "Bit of both." (Y/n) said as they turn a corner and started to come down the main street of Valentine, which hadn't changed much except with a few new buildings. 

They passed by a saloon when a man stumbles out and then a second men storms out and charges at the first man. "You sonuvabitch!" The second man growled and they start to fight. The kids recoiled at this as (y/n) shakes her head then turns to Arthur. "Bet that brings back memories, doesn't it?" She asked him as she gestures to the fighting men with her head.
Arthur chuckles in response. “Sure does, darlin.” He replied. "Though, I don't miss it very much."

(Y/n) rolls her eyes at him. "Oh I'm sure you miss showing off how much of a tough guy you are." She teased and he chuckles. "What does that mean?" Alistair asked her. "Well, your father sometimes would get into fights with other people a few years back." (Y/n) said and Arthur turns to her. 

"Hey, wasn't my fault." He said, defensively. “Yeah, sometimes they were bad people.” (y/n) said as they come up at the end of the road and Arthur pulls the reigns, making the horse stop. "Okay then...I'm gonna see if there's any jobs I can take." Arthur said and (y/n) nods. "Alright...we still got a bit of money, I'll buy some groceries." She said and they start to dismount the wagon.

"Alright, my darlings, let's walk around for a bit." (Y/n) tells her children and her and Arthur go to the back of the wagon and help the kids down while the Labrador jumps down.

Arthur walks up to (y/n), leans in and gives her a loving kiss. Alistair sticks his tongue out in disgust while Eleanor giggles and Annebeth rolls her eyes but smiles at this. The couple break the kiss before Arthur mutters. "Be careful." (Y/n) nods then whispers. "Of course." Then she leads the kids and the Labrador, Dixon, towards the general store while Arthur starts to walk around town.

Eventually he walks towards the Sheriff office and remembered that they usually asked for bounty hunters so he enters inside and both Sheriff and Deputy look up at him. "Well, looky here. Maybe this is our man." The Sheriff said as he eyes Arthur. "You a bounty hunter, mister?" The young Deputy asked as he stands up from his chair. "Maybe...it depends." Arthur replied.

"Well, I'm guessing you ain't here to pass the day...turn yourself in...or discuss the finer points of country law. Then I don't need to know much more than that...til I got a reason to." The Sheriff said and Arthur smirks a bit. "Alright..." he said and the Sheriff takes in a deep breath as he stands back up.

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