One Month Later

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Yasmeen POV January 24 1989, Saturday 12:25 pm afternoon
As soon as my mom found the same clothes that we wore to the party and made us look at it I was scared as hell..... Michael tried to save us but my mom didn't want Michael to jump in it........ Michael looked at my mom crazy the whole time 🤣. That was the best part......... but my mom should definitely be disappointed and angry at us though....... I don't blame her..............

Tamari: so...........

Tamari swings Joanie short skirt over and over while Joanie tries not to laugh...........

Tamari: Joanie you think this is funny!!!!!! It's not funny okay!!!! Because we're not going to leave until all y'all 3 tell me where the hell y'all was at Friday night!!!!

Ashley: mom how did you know we wasn't in the house sleep yesterday........ we thought you was sleeping...........

Tamari: good question Ashley...... well basically while y'all was sleeping I found a bag that y'all hidden at and I opened it up turned out it was something that I didn't even buy for y'all...... I didn't even saw these outfits until I remember that y'all bought it from the mall the other day so y'all decided to wear these outfits........... Ashley.......... What is wrong with you sweetheart........... you only 9 years old......... You know what Ashley I want to ask you first why did you go with your sisters first then I will ask.......... Joanie!!!

Michael: honey please calm down

Yasmeen: Michael....... It's okay (grab Michael arm) we deserve it

Joanie: Yasmeen no we don't, forget this!!!!!! I'll tell you mom what happened!!!! So basically you shouldn't be mad at Yasmeen and Ashley....... You should be mad at me because I told them that they shouldn't tell you because I felt like since I'm getting older I shouldn't tell you things that goes on!!!!! So we all 3 snuck in your house and I grabbed your keys and we drove your car

Tamari interrupts Joanie

Tamari: my car!!!!!! My mother-

Michael: sweetheart calm down okay (holds Tamari)

Tamari: no Michael!!! (Let's go off Michael) I'm not calming down!!! And also Joanie who ask you about the party!!! Huh!! Because I know for a fact you didn't find out about it yourself.... Somebody told you and I want to know who it was!!!! Who is it!!!

Joanie: I'm not telling you

Tamari: okay well who did you pick up before you went to the party

Michael: Tamari can you just stop!! (Grab Tamari arm)

Tamari: Michael......

Michael: can you just chill........

Tamari: no Michael....... Im not chilling because there's still more that happened as well......

Joanie: yeah mom, Michael please tell her that she can't be mad because she Kept a secret from us because we didn't even know that her and Michael was in love.......

Tamari: that's true, but at least I didn't try to be grown and feels like it's all up on me now!!!! Joanie you not grown!!! None of y'all are not grown!!!! Y'all just babies!!!! I never Raised y'all to be some fast tail ass girls!!!!! I raised y'all better!!! Even if it was Joanie plan Ashley and Yasmeen should have never said yes we're going with you!!! So if Joanie told y'all to jump with her y'all will do that!!

Joanie: mom I'm done okey

Tamari: oh no the hell you not

Joanie: mom I can't with this........

Tamari: you know what...... all three of y'all are grounded for a month!!!! No tv!!! No phones!!!! Nothing....... The only thing y'all can do is go to school and come back home and do some chores!!!!! That's it I'm done

Michael looks at Tamari crazy

Tamari: what Michael!!!

Michael: Tamari........

Tamari: Michael I don't want to hear it......... I'm done for today........ I'm turning everything off right now!!!

Tamari plugs all the tv's off, every phones off, everything that is technical in her house if off ......

Joanie: I'm done!!!! Fine mom!!!!

Tamari: fine.....

Michael: Joanie it's okay (Joanie hugs Michael tightly)

Joanie: Michael..... I'm glad that your here because mom Been crazy...... I understand that she should be mad at us still but before that even happened she became depressed.... She's not the same person anymore.... She flipped....... She changed.......

Joanie let's Michael go slowly and goes upstairs to her room.....

Ashley: it's okey Michael...... I understand why we're grounded (Ashley slowly walks upstairs)

Yasmeen: Michael..... I'm glad your here so you can keep my mom comfy.... She's lonely Michael....... (Yasmeen hugs Michael) I love you Michael.....

Michael: I love you too Yasmeen. (Kisses Yasmeen on her forehead)

Yasmeen: I'll go upstairs so you can talk to mama.

Yasmeen goes upstairs

Michael: sighs........ damn Tamari........ you really lost it........

A month later..........

Yasmeen POV
After what happened being grounded for a month..... it felt like a year to me. I missed everything that I haven't touch in a month which is tv phones everything...... and Michael didn't stay with us after what happened because Michael didn't like how it ended...... Michael is very loving caring person.... Michael doesn't like violence...... I know that for sure....... My mom came to our rooms an communicated with us..... Joanie was still upset at mom until when mom said that she was sorry but to be honest she didn't had to say sorry. We did said sorry because we knew we had too

Tamari: Joanie I understand what happened between me and you after we argue but I was hoping that you can forgive me and accept what you Ashley and Yasmeen......

Joanie: I understand (hugs Tamari tightly while Tamari laughs historically)

While Joanie and Tamari hugging tightly Yasmeen and Ashley jumped in and hugs Tamari and Joanie as well... ❤️.

Tamari: we all together again.....

Ashley: yes mommy

Tamari: (kisses Ashley forehead while Ashley says I'm sorry mommy that I made you angry....)

Tamari: it's okay sweetheart....... I'm not angry at you anymore Ashley...... neither one of y'all......

Joanie: I understand mom. We all love you more

Yasmeen: we love you dearly mama and you will never be replaced as our mom

Tamari: aww thanks my babies. I'm so thankful that I have y'all. How about this Since y'all are not grounded anymore I'm gonna turn every tv and phones on even though I was gonna do this before February came here and y'all knew that but I thought y'all forgot about that since it's been a month.

Ashley Yasmeen and Joanie gets happy and excited

Tamari: after I do that can you girls do something for me?

Yasmeen: yeah sure we can do anything for you mom? What do you want us to do??

Tamari: can I come with y'all girls to the mall to buy something special for Michael?

Ashley Yasmeen and Joanie: shopping 🛍!!!!! Let's go right now!!!!

Michael and Tamari:  The Crazy Love Story of Mrs and Mr JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now