Till Death Do Us Apart

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January 18, 1994
Sheila's POV
After we walked to McDonald's and ordered our food we sat down talked, just to make sure we was on the right track. After one of the customers bought our food towards us where we was sitting at I decided to tell Yasmeen my story about why I chose not to keep her after I had her at a very young age...

Sheila: Yasmeen I- I know I'm very guilty for everything that you went through because I should have took you in but the reason why I chose not to keep you after I had you Is because I wasn't ready. I was very young... and very irresponsible person because I knew what I was doing but I did it anyway. Your father is one of the siblings of the sylvers. Me and him fell in love and that's how you came. We both wasn't ready to become parents but I was more upset then your father ever was. In my head I wanted to give you away. I didn't believe in abortions , that's why I didn't abort you. I was 16 going on 17 when I had you. I didn't hold you, I wasn't happy, I was stressed out, and I- I hated you. But your aunt which is the person who raised you took you in by taking care of you. I was too selfish for you Yasmeen. Justice didn't know because we didn't tell her. I was too selfish and stupid. And I just want to say I'm really, really sorry for what I put you through and what you went through. I'm really sorry Yasmeen.

Yasmeen: it's okay Sheila. I forgive you. Even though I was very upset but I forgive you. I'm sorry for what I put you and tamari through. It's nice to see each other again after years of not talking because I didn't want to bother you or tamari. I did talk to Joanie though and we're getting along great.

Sheila: that's nice. You know Joanie is married and has kids by her husband Wylie.

Yasmeen: yeah I know.

Sheila: Yasmeen, I'm not trying to get into your business but I heard rumors about you and Tevin Campbell dating and he gave-

Yasmeen: yeah. That's true.

Sheila: oh man I'm sorry

Yasmeen:(laughs) you don't have to be sorry. I don't have them anymore. I took those nasty pills for it to go away.

Sheila: ohh okay. (Whispers) and he's gay too?

Yasmeen: yeah. But I'm over with it, I'm living and loving my best life right now. But Sheila, I understand why you gave me up and i know why tamari raised me. I forgive you, you forgive me, I forgive everyone.

Sheila: I'm glad. I love you

Yasmeen: I love you too.

Yasmeen's POV
After me and Sheila talked we both left McDonald's happy and hugging each other. Another thing I know about Sheila's health and her divorce from prince. She didn't tell me but I knew about it but I didn't want to bother her about that. But yeah our day that day turned out amazingly great for us. I'm doing a movie with spike lee which is very great for me. At least the drama is over for me.

Feb 8, 1994. Joanie's POV
I've been depressed ever since I found out about Wylie's and my children's health. I've been having contractions which is even worse. My life was like a fairytale at first but it's a nightmare for me now. I don't get it and I don't understand. I blamed myself for not checking Wylie's health history before we had sex for the first time. We're at the hospital because I'm finna into labor while Wylie and my daughter are getting treatment. I know about Yasmeen's drama that she's been spreading around because of newspapers and tabloids. Tevin's career is gone for good now because he's gay and people found out about that because of Yasmeen. And he gave Yasmeen diseases that's curable which is a good thing that it's curable. But yeah this day is the day I went into labor. I still have not told my family about me being pregnant but they are going to find out today. Wylie and my daughter was in the other room while I was in a different room. 8 doctors were in the same room as me because of my delivery and the fact that my unborn child contracted leukemia too. My birth was c-section again like the last time I had Whitley. Once they cut my stomach again I closed my eyes because something in my head told me to do that. Once I heard my baby's first cry it was a miracle. My second baby turned out to be a boy who I was carrying the whole time. I have a son. After they cleaned my son and finished my stomach by putting stitches on my stomach I finally had the chance to hold my son. He was 9 pounds. He looked just like Wylie. He has Wylie's eyes, nose, forehead, and his ears. I kissed his forehead as Wylie and our daughter Whitley came in to my delivery room. Wylie did hold our newborn baby boy. I knew in my heart that Wylie won't be in this world a little longer because his face was different. His eyes were different, his cheekbones were different because I could see his cheekbones. The way he smiled was so tragic. So tragic that I started to cry because I knew God is going to take him too soon. This whole week we stayed in the hospital again after last year. I called everyone in my family including Wylie's family to meet us right then and there. I told everyone everything and told them to come here right now. Wylie doesn't have time left. I knew in my heart 💔💔

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