Baby, Baby, Young And Free

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Rydel's POV
Today we're going to the greatest bestest funnest place ever! The water amusement park! The have water roller coasters and the whole deal! Mads and Lilly are letting me come along to take Ally Star and Ryder to their first water park! I'm so excited! I'm gonna take them in the kiddie pool on the kiddie slides and all the little kid stuff it's gonna be the best.
"Alright Ally you and your cousin are going to the water park today, how's that sound?" Mads asked the little baby, and she started giggling in baby talk. She's almost 6 months and Ryder is almost 5 months. They're growing up so fast! I don't want them to, I've gotten used to having little ones around the house. But pretty soon Rocky and Dayna's triplets will be coming and then there's gonna be 5 little kids around here. She's 5 months pregnant, and getting big so she decided not to come today. But she's getting a ton of practice with Ryder and Ally.
"Delly. Delly. RYDEL SNAP OUT OF IT!" Shouted Lilly. I must have zoned out for a bit. But we're here! Yay! This day is gonna be great!!!
A/N Sorry this is short I'm just using it to give you something and announce that I am ending this book early. I'm not feeling it anymore and I want to work on my other story I do (not) miss you and im gonna start another R5 story that I'm into. This one has just become confusing to me and hard to write. So I'm gonna write one more chapter right now.

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