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(Song now)

Enetron. A Source of untapped clean energy that is able to power both everything electronic and the human body. 11 years ago, an evil organization from a different dimension called Vaglass came and tried to enter our world. I was the only person out of the research facility. Soon. After that the EMC or the Energy Management Center was created to make sure the incident that happened 11 years ago would never happen again. With that. I was tainted with the energy. I wasn't sure what was my power would been back then, but I do now. Now during the year neo-AD 2010, the Enetron would be shipped all across the world. A female named Tabane Shinonono would invent both The IS and Go-buster morphing system. During that. A hacker would attack Japan using 2341 missiles. All of them including the forces sent to take the IS cores for military use would be destroyed by core 001. Codenamed: Shirokishi. Soon The Invention of the IS would be more a priority as all Enetron expansions would be canceled. But Tabane Shinonono would give the EMC the unfinished code of the Go-buster morphing system which I would complete with her help. Soon Men would be sent at the back burner of the gender dominance when the IS only responds to Females. With that a tready would be made so that the IS cores would not be used in military proposes. Soon an Academy would pop up in Japan called IS Academy. You know for a naming convention it does seem ok. BUT COME ON! Anyway. The hole building would be powered by the Enetron Generator That also helps power the EMC electronics since the IS academy would be built above it. Luckly, we got some building rights to add a place to allow vehicles and a place to allow us to go when we need fresh air. Now. We come to today. Where I Y/n Prototype red buster would go in and find the kidnapped Ichika Orimura who was kidnapped by Phantom task. leading a group of Female Soldiers using mass produced Ichigan Busters.

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(P. = Prototype and FS = Female Solider)

P.Red Buster: here we go. you know the plan right.

FS: Find and Extract Ichika Orimura while you stay back and fight any Phantom tasks.

P.Red Buster: yes.

FS2: Wait why did they give us you and not some IS user.

P.Red Buster: 1: I was bored. 2: I have connections with Tabane Sempai and Instead of calling for his sister. she called me. 3: I'm showing that the EMC are no jokes.

FS3: Question. Do you know how to shoot that?

P.Red Buster: It's the same as your mass-produced models. Anyway. Unit. Readddddy

(Just with the Prototype visor)

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(Just with the Prototype visor)

P.Red buster: GO.

We all rush in moving as a unit they continue to move taking out the phantom task left and right. Soon an IS takes center stage, I stand in its way. transporting the Sougan Blade into my hand ready to fight the IS behind the smoke

 transporting the Sougan Blade into my hand ready to fight the IS behind the smoke

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(Song 2)

Soon the pilot shows herself and tries to strike me, but I dodge and fire my buster at the pilot hitting the shields. the Pilot goes for a swipe which hits me, but I track on blasting and striking the IS shields trying to deplete the energy. Soon the Pilot shows she has it and knocks me back into a pillar not only knockout the breath in me but shattering the visor. I get up and feel my muscles expand a bit. Is this my power? Anyway, I continue to strike before connecting the two weapons together. Into the Ichigan Buster: Special Buster mode.

Ichigan Buster: It's Time for Special Buster.

I fire the shot deleting the shields and energy. soon I then get ready to take this female to jail before I look at her. She is the Exact same as Chifuyu right down to her eyes if she wasn't knocked out. But a female a female. even if she is a clone of the best IS pilot. I grab the Enetron yellow power injector and injector her with it. giving her the ability of the rabbit. That and a tracker so the EMC units can pick her up once Germany interrogates her. Soon I place the cuffs on her and see my team just 3 less girls than usual. 

FS: Sir. (Gives me the dog tags) They didn't make it.

P.Red Buster: I see. (Grabs them and looks at the last names of the three)

This was a hit to Me. Why. Because those girls where given training under me. I mean I trained half of a unit while Chifuyu was working with some IS pilots. But 4 where special to me and I gave them Extra lessons. The 4 where Sargent Juliana Seydel the one who gave me the dog tags, Zara Rösch I think she was into me, Elly Meckler who was interested in the Buster Program as a guard once her service was done and Lilli Hopf the one, I was able to teach my advance combat style. I stored those tags, and I told them I chose my yellow buster. I pointed to the Chifuyu Look-a-like. They nodded and let me look at the kid. he was scared. I made sure he was safe by taking off my helmet to show him my face.


Y/n: Your safe. We'll get you out of here and we might even see your sister. Come on kid. We will get you to your sister. 

Ichika Orimura: O-o-o-ok.

That kid. Was like me 11 years ago. I was scared. Until my father found me. he trained me, helped me become the person I am today. Without him. I wouldn't have met my sensei Tabane. Without her. the Go-buster systems would been incomplete. and the event that happened 11 years ago would have happened again. We soon made it back to Germany where I reunited Chifuyu to her brother once again and then I told her what I saw in him. And I told her what happened 10 years ago through my eyes. I told her that if she needed a favor. To just ask. She thanked me and told me she will in due time. Years pass and Chifuyu wanted me to help him become someone new. I told her about the EMC and Go-buster Program. Both agreed and I gave him the last injection. That injection gave him the ability of super speed. I told her it would take time for it to work and for now to make sure he stays home. it's been 13 years since that event. I gained a buddyroid named Gorisaki Banana. The Chifuyu look-a-like got her buddyroid named Usada Lettuce. Both me and the newly named Madoka Orimura trained using our powers and discovering our weak points. My overheat caused me to fight without a care to who is friend and who is foe. Luckly if I cool down, I wouldn't get as strained as much. Madoka on the other hand got the other hand.  If she is out of calories for her "inner battery" to burn, she will be unable to move. Which is why when we do outside missions like recon, she gets things like candies. I hope Ichika Orimura doesn't have a weak point. Soon time passes and the Vaglass enter the scene. and the fight begins.

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