Misson 2: Clean up and introductions

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Back at the city. A Cleanup crew of both IS pilots and yellow and blue work on cleaning it up in GT-02 and RH-03

Gorisaki: Careful Careful.

Usada: You think I don't know that.

Madoka: Well. trash duty. How fun. So how we are splitting this deal.

Y/n: 50/50. We get info and they get info on every clean up job. Besides A Vaglass Megazord corpse a treasure trove of Vaglass info.

Madoka: Ok. and Ichika. Why is he back at base?

Y/n: CB-01 isn't fit for clean up like GT-02 and RH-03 are. So that is a thing.  Also, your sister was visiting the base.

Madoka: Oh Ya. forgot about that.

Y/n: Yeah. Anyway, Let's get these to base.

Half of the parts went to the Government for investigation while the other half went to the base for scanning info there was some go information in the parts leftover. The dehenshined Y/n and Madoka walk out of their vehicles.

Madoka: I could really go for a pizza Right now.

Y/n: Same. I know a good pizza joint.

Madoka: You should.

Y/n: Ya but If we are talking now. They aren't open. They open during night hours. But they know to make a Good Pie for junkies

Madoka: I could eat that Right now. Not going to lie.

Y/n: you think you can eat an Entire pie that Calibur by yourself. 

Madoka: Ya. And I'd do it to Spite you. I mean What would you have if you had my Weakness right now.

Y/n: I don't know Spinach puffs.

Madoka: You need to stop watching Emperor's new Groove

Y/n: Like that will ever happen.

behind them both buddyroids are hearing the conversation going on.

Gorisaki: It's Nice to know they are chatting with each other.

Usada: Yep. 

back in the main area Chifuyu, her brother and the big three watch Ichika's battle Against Shovelzord seeing the part where he was in cheetah Mode dodging the missiles before pouncing on the Big bad. Chifuyu smiles seeing her brother grew up to be brave

Chifuyu: Well. Little to no training in CB-01 and still got a win. I'm proud. 

Ichika: Ya. 

Chifuyu: (to Kuroki): If you somehow are able to record this. Give it to me.

Commander Kuroki: Sure.

Ichika: You just want to Show it to the others do you. I mean they did see it. and it's going to be on news headlines for more than a couple of years may be less If we are lucky.

Chifuyu: Oh, don't gripe brother.

Ichika: Meh.

Soon the other two make it.

Y/n: Sorry for being late.

Madoka: So. Are we doing it?

Chifuyu: Yes. Now. Remember. You tell your full names then your Buster names.

The 3: Ryokai.

Chifuyu: Good. Come on.

Chifuyu's classroom

Chifuyu's classroom

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