Mission 3: A duel Between all odds and the threat yet to come

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IS academy.

A normal day. Chifuyu's class was going to star operating basic functions with that Y/n was there as his Strength would help if any IS didn't function if a crash did happen, He also had his shades on. Now you may be asking why Only Y/n. Well, the Orimura are trying to find Vaglass it's been 2 days and they have gone Silent. Probably trying to find Enetron away from the Academy. Luckly sensors were everywhere tracing Enetron all over Japan.

Chifuyu: Cecilia Care to help.

Cecilia: Sure. 

Soon Cecilia enters Her IS.

Soon Cecilia enters Her IS

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Chifuyu: FLY!

Cecilia: RIGHT! 

Cecilia Gose upward. Flying around for a bit. Y/n was impressed how far Tech could work. He could only imagine if the two most world changing Items could do if combined. The IS and Enetron working as one.

Chifuyu: Alcott execute a Power dive and then come to a complete stop.

Alcott (Comns): right.

Soon Alcott Executes the power dive and at the right time Stops from being a Metal human Pancake. Soon Lessons come to an End, and it was time for lunch. The Orimura duo came back just in time and Sat at the table where Y/n and Cecilia were talking about Enetron.

Y/n: So. Anything.

Madoka: Just some Buglar Recon units here and there I also found out Ichika's Weak point

Y/n and Cecilia: Wait really?

Ichika: I tend to freeze up. And it had to be one of the many Flightless birds we use to make Omelets

Y/n couldn't help but laugh

Cecilia: That's not funny.

Y/n stops for a bit.

Y/n: I know. But at least with him. He can at least eat the products made by the thing.

Ichika: Ya. So, what's for lunch.

Cecilia: Curry. You can adjust the Spice

Ichika: Good to know.

Madoka: Nice. I always wanted to try it. So, what did you two talk about.

Cecilia: Enetron.

Ichika: Wait really.

Y/n: I couldn't stop muttering about my Ideas for Enetron being used for the IS. She got curious and well. Told her the origin and lessons on Enetron. Well, What I do know.

Ichika: Ok. Mind if we sit.

Cecilia: Sure.

Soon the four grab their meal, eat it and move on. Soon Tomorrow would roll around and a new day starts. Today's lesson for Chifuyu's class was being taught by Y/n. It was on the use of EMC tech. Yamada was there as well

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