Chapter 8 "For The First Time"

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[Des and Lydia In the media]

I paced back and forth in the living room.

I was stressing. How am I going to Pick Lydia up from the airport? Like seriously what the fuck was I thinking.

You was thinking about finally meeting the girl you actually like!

I can't just drive a hour and a half to the airport with out Dymond having a problem. After all it isn't on the Calendar.

The Calendar!

If Dymond wasn't home or expecting to spend time with me while I pick up Lydia, I could get away with it scotch free.

I rushed into the room to Check the Calendar. Tomorrow was completely empty.

"Damn" I cursed under my breath.

I pulled out my phone and Called Dymond.

"Hey Dess" she answered.

"Hey baby"

"Whats going on, I'm about to go to class."

"I was just wondering what you where doing around 1:00-3:30 tomorrow. You don't have anything on the calendar" I said biting down on my bottom lip.

"Well um my sister is in town, I was planning in spending the day with her, that's why there isn't anything written there. I was going to ask you to tag along. But its all gi-"

"No that's fine.. I'll be fine" I said cutting her off.

"I mean. You can spend the day with your sister, I'll just chill with Joy for the day"

"Um sure okay, well I have to go now Des, love you bye" she said before hanging up.

I sighed of relief as I pushed my phone back into my pocket.


I stood outside the airport anxiously waiting for Lydia to walk out.
I was nervous, really nervous, my heart was beating faster than usual, my palms are sweaty. I was just a mess.

After a few minutes of waiting, Lydia walked out the airport. Looking around.

I smiled, she's more beautiful in person.

I walked over to her.

"Hey beautiful" I said.

She gasped and threw her hands around me dropping her bags.
"Dess! Oh Em Gee! Its so great to finally meet you..... In person!"

I chuckled, and hugged her back.

"How was the flight?" I asked , grabbing 2 of her 4 bags, she grabbed the other 2.

"Uhgg!! It was soooooo long, I couldn't wait to get here!"

"I could only imagine"

"I really appreciate you picking me Up Destiny, I didnt know anyone else in florida. I didn't know who else to ask" she said once we got in the car.

"No problem, anytime. I'm just glad I get to see you. Yah know, Your Gorgeous" I smiled.

Lydia bit her bottom lip and looked down at her hand,as she blushed. She is so cute.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Starrrved!" She exaggerated.

I chuckled. "Cool, I know this bomb Chinese place, you like Chinese?" I asked.

"Of course" she smiled. I returned the smile and pulled off out the airport.

The whole ride Lydia and I talked and laughed about random stuff, occasionally staring at each other.

The moment was just Surreal, i couldn't believe we were in the same place; the same car. She wasn't a thousand miles away anymore. She is just arms length away. I couldn't be any happier right now.

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