chapter one ☹

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alice was mad.

she was sure of it.

she'd tried to top herself.

well, at least that's what the rabbit had told her.

alice could remember the day she arrived in wonderland, it was still crystal clear. she remembered finally becoming aware of her surroundings. her eyes fluttering open to a soft lullaby being played from a direction alice was not yet aware of. her eyelashes had grazed her cheeks gracefully as she drifted in and out of a sleepy daze, she had danced between dreams and reality on the point of her toes. her pale blue skirt had fanned around as she pirouetted with a beauty that only a few people held possession of. alice was like a cherry blossom tree losing it leaves.
alice was the definition of serenity. but every dream has to end.

then alice awoke.

her bright blue eyes had held fear as she combed her fingers through the pastel pink flower petals she was perched on. she'd smiled down at the petals.

they had made her feel pretty for awhile.

alice remembered how she couldn't see much when she looked up, only a hazy glow on the dirt wall in front of her.

she hadn't remembered her bedroom being this ugly. then again alice couldn't seem to remember much nowadays.

she remembered running her hands through her hair absentmindedly. the sweet smelling petals had washed a sense of confusion over her, the smell had become intoxicatingly sweet. with every shallow breath she had taken alice was overwhelmed with rose petals, or maybe they were orchids? the beauty of them had turned into a sickening scent, distorting her senses.

alice had decided that needed to leave as soon as possible.

so she looked up.

upon thinking about the situation alice would advise her past self not to look up. to turn around and run as fast as her little legs could carry her, maybe she could of beaten the devil. but she didn't, she looked up.

alice had screamed.

alice had been in what she assumed was a hole. that wasn't what made alice scream. for there was blood dripping down the walls, corrupting the floor beneath. scratch marks were littered the dirt, menacing marks alice didn't care to stay and mull over. her breathing had became erratic, as did the lullaby that was once delightful. alice whipped her head around, the tune got louder, the light got brighter.

alice fled to the light at the end of tunnel.

she remembered how fast she had ran, how her heart had beaten faster with every thud of her patent shoes on the dirt beneath. she hadn't anticipated how far she would have to run, it had felt like she was running for eternities. years of heavy breathing and mottled hair.

alice had never been so frightened, she was starting to have flashes of familiar faces screaming at her. what terrified her were how similar they seemed, similar to her appearance. there was a little boy sobbing, his blue eyes screwed into cracked beauty. rivers of tears swept down his cheeks as he screamed incoherent, jumbled, fragments of a sentence.

alice had no idea what was becoming of her.

so she continued to run, she ignored the cracks on the walls. stopping only when she came across a brightly coloured door, they always shocked her. something so vibrant in a place so decrepit. she would place her hand on the doorknob hesitantly but would only recoil in disgust when the rust fell into her hands.

she never found one that opened.

as alice had ran the light got brighter, slowly yes, but ever so slightly brighter. this gave alice hope, she still hadn't a clue where the tunnel would lead her but surely it couldn't be worse than the hole?

alice was wrong. infact alice had never been more wrong in her entire life.

after all, she was in wonderland.

when the light began to become unbearably bright alice slowed down to a steady walk. she had a brought a hand up to shield her eyes, not that it had made much difference. it was as though the heavens had opened up before her, casting a blinding white light that completely consumed her as she continued.

and then it began to dull, a once dastardly glow faded into the soft haze it had been before. the light disappeared to reveal the figure alice would later fear more than hell itself.

the white rabbit.

at the time alice had simple stood still, cowardice taking over her body. paralysing her.

the white may have not been the most terrifying name but he was still the worst thing alice had ever come across. the white rabbit was a giant six foot monster with the body of a human and the head of a rabbit. his black, glossy eyes bore into your skull. his menacing smile sent shivers down your spine. it created goosebumps faster than alice could cry out. the simple twitch if his whiskers could send you running in fear.

it was at this point alice had also gotten her first glimpse of wonderland. this is where the tunnel had led. and like with every new victim that had tumbled down the hole the queen of hearts had sent the white rabbit to greet her.

he was stood in front of a smooth layer of emerald green grass, various plants alice had never encountered surrounded the opening. they were strange colours and various sizes. purple was the initial colour alice notice but when she moved her head daintily past the rabbit obscuring her view the colour wheel had widened before her eyes. gigantic trees with bright yellow leaves, daisies the size of her in delicate pinks and blues. alice had almost smiled.


there was still the question of where she was, and what was monster in front of her? as her thoughts began to cascade out of control the whimsical fragment of wonderland began to spin. with every thought wonderland had begun to spin faster, the tree's tipped upside with a bellow. the leaves lost their beauty, much like the petals had earlier. nothing appeared to stay the same in this terrible place.

alice placed a hand to her forehead feebly, nervous sweat was coating her face.

"am i going mad?"

the white rabbit had cocked his head to the side and twitched his whiskers. he had smiled down at her and spoke the phrase that had haunted alice ever since.

"oh darling, we're all mad here"


im so excited for this wow okay

so if you didn't know i also have another account which is 1934IRWIN where i also write

but this is a series and i didn't want to it clutter up my works and such so i was like hey let's make a new account

if you do read my stories on that account then you should know that this book will be updated much more !! i have lost interest in my other stories and this is much simpler to write and idk i love this already


pEACE xoxo

alice in wonderland ☹ ashton irwin [a.u]Where stories live. Discover now