Chapter 1

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Three long weeks. Three incredibly lonely weeks Rooster spent away from you. As Rooster walked through the familiar streets on base he smiled to himself. He was happy he had requested his friend stay with you. He couldn't imagine you by yourself missing him. Even though he was gone, he still had Maverick with him. Honestly Rooster would've fallen apart without him. His heart began to pound as he approached the house that contained you inside. Rooster opened the door to find it unlocked. That was typical for Duchess. The base was a safe enough place and with Hangman with her, there really was no worry. Once inside Bradley scanned the room. He found an extremely neatly made couch where his friend had slept. He turned towards the kitchen to find Jake standing there with an apron on as he cooked breakfast. It only took seconds for him to notice that he had company. Hangman's face broke out with a large smile. Rooster enveloped him in a hug as they were happy to see each other again. "We weren't expecting you so soon" he exclaimed happily. Rooster put up his finger to tell him to keep quiet. The realization washed over the Lieutenant's face. He nodded his head towards the bedroom. "She's getting ready." Jake divulged. Rooster set his bag down and tip toed down the hallway. He had been dreaming of this moment every night since he left. He poked his head through the doorway to find you brushing a powder over your skin. You checked your reflection in the mirror and spotted Rooster as he leaned against the wall. You dropped your powder brush and screamed on the top of your lungs. With a racing heart and fuzzy head you ran full speed towards him. After a small leap into the air you were wrapped in his arms. Everything made sense there. He put a large hand on the back of your head and the other supporting your back as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You buried your head in his neck.

"Is it really you?" You asked taking a large inhale of his cologne. It was something you missed terribly.

"It's really me." He chuckled as he ran his hand through your hair.

"Rooster! Why didn't you tell me you'd be back?!" You exclaimed as you looked into his eyes. Finally you were able to look into his beautiful eyes.

"I know how much you love surprises" he sarcastically smiled as he showered you in attention.

"Rooster, you big stud! Kiss me now or lose me forever."You demanded happily as you gripped the sides of his face with your fingers. Roosters eyes went wide as he registered the meaning of your words. He kissed you deeply and your body felt complete for the first time in awhile.

"You've been talking to Mav." He accused. You just shrugged your shoulders,

"I've been waiting for this moment." You admitted. Rooster couldn't stop the smile on his face as he spun you around.

"If you're done in there, breakfast is ready!" Hangman called out from the kitchen.

The table was already set by the time you walked into the room still attached to Rooster. He set your feet down gently as you climbed into a chair eager to eat. "I'm so excited! Jake makes the best French toast!" You praised. Rooster raised an eyebrow at your comment.

"I'll be the judge of that." He decided as he sat next to you. His hand fell immediately into yours under the table. It took the Lieutenant one bite before his eyes widened at the taste. "Fuck, that's actually pretty good." Rooster admitted. Hangman sat back in his chair and beamed,

"I'm just that good!" He praised himself making you laugh. Instinctively Jake handed over the fruit for you to put on your plate. Rooster crinkled his eyebrows taking in the gesture. The two of had an almost dance as you continued to eat breakfast.

"So how was it babe?" He wondered. You finished chewing before answering.

"It was a lot better than I thought it would be!" You admitted happily.

"Yeah I'd say there was only a couple of restless nights" Hangman chimed in. You shook your head in agreement,

"Nothing that waking you up for couldn't fix." You sipped your orange juice as you glanced at Jake. You had annoyed him to no end when you did wake him. He always had a long day after but you didn't want to be alone in the dark. Rooster kept a straight face but on the inside he wasn't feeling this conversation anymore. He had spent nearly every night tossing and turning. The amount of exhaustion he was experiencing from not being near you was astronomical. He didn't like that it wasn't reciprocated by you. You gently squeezed his hand when you saw his face sporting his signature thinking look.

"You ok babe?" You wondered. He sniffed in sharply coming back to reality,

"Uh, yeah Duchess. Just tired is all." Rooster stammered.

"I bet! You've traveled a bunch babe. We can take it easy today." You smiled as you rubbed his cheek. The pilot leaned into your hand bending to your every whim. You had him under a deep spell.

"Oh shit! I almost forgot your coffee." Jake sprang up from his chair and grabbed the mug containing a perfectly mixed drink.

"You're going to make some woman very happy one day." You complimented. Rooster held a clenched jaw as he listened to your words.

"Babe you don't look so good" you said with a concerned voice.

"It's a headache" he shook you off but you knew Bradley too well for that. You would have to wait to press him on it later. The beautiful man to your right was patient and kind but you knew what was always under the surface. You had managed to tame that fire within him but Rooster was capable of hanging on to an astounding amount of anger.

It has been a few hours since Hangman left and Rooster had the chance to shower and reclaim his space within your shared home. You reached your hand up above the covers as you searched for the rest of the brownies you ended up making to give Rooster all his favorite snacks. The air conditioning was cold and made you retreat as quickly as possible back to your favorite heater. You placed a cold hand on his abs as he sat shirtless and he instantly squirmed.

"What did you do? Stick your hands in an freezer?" He laughed.

"I thought you could warm them up for me!" You gave him puppy eyes. Rooster groaned.

"Agh now I can't be mad. I mean look at how cute you look right now!" He exclaimed throwing up his hands dramatically. He grabbed one of your cold hands and kissed the top of it gently. You moaned. It felt so good to have him next to you. He absentmindedly ran his fingers over your hand and wrist. You closed your eyes appreciating his touch.

"I missed you so much." You admitted to him finally let out all held breath. He stopped what he was doing and looked deeply into your eyes.

"I know the feeling. I didn't know if I was going to make it. Mav held me together." Rooster confided in you.

"You and guys are my favorite people on this planet. It makes me so happy that you two are so close." You combed through his hair with your fingers. He practically melted under your gentle show of affection.

"You remember that day in bed? When i told you I would love you till the day you died? Baby I think I'd still love you after that." Rooster stated against your lips. He took your breath away with his words. Your lips were parted as the thin skin touched the other.
"Rooster." You breathed out into his mouth. "God I love you." You swore. He held your small frame into his as you collapsed into him. Rooster felt at home now. Like every last piece of him was together. He had been searching for missing pieces all of his life after his dad died. You made it possible for him to find them. And now that he found them he wasn't going to let it go.

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