Chapter 7

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It had been a few days since you had been home. Maverick and Penny been kind enough to shelter you for a few days while you avoided going back to your empty home. You had spent one too many quiet nights lying in Mavericks bed too afraid of being alone. But they felt safe to you like parents that you missed. You and your mom fell out hard after your dad died. She pushed you away because she didn't want the same fate to come of you. You hadn't spoken to her in a few years. Though in this moment she's all you wanted. Sometimes you just needed your mom. Maverick had come by to grab a bag packed with a few changes of clothes for you a few days ago and picked up the mess that was left behind. As you rounded the corner in the kitchen you found Rooster's aviator glasses on the counter. Instantly you choked. The tears stung in the back of your eyes and your knees became too weak to hold your frame. To the floor you went with a thud as your knees caught you. You wrapped your arms around your body as sobs began to wreck you. You still didn't want to admit that he was gone. But here you were crying on the floor with no Rooster anywhere in sight. You hadn't heard from him either. He was in deep hiding.

A pair of boots appeared in your line of sight. You looked up filled with hope to see him standing in front of you. Once your eyes focused past the tears you found how mistaken you were. The pain from the disappointment made it hard to breathe. It was sharp. It hurt too much to deal with. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly releasing more water from them. "Shit Duchess." The familiar voice said as they put hands on your shoulders before pulling you into a hug. "Please don't cry." They begged.  "I heard from Mav what happened, I had to come check on you." He explained. When you looked up from the ball you curled into you were able to see the watery outline of your friends face. "Thanks Fan Boy." You smiled weakly before it fell. The motion felt foreign on your face. You hadn't realized until now that you hadn't smiled in days. A constant frown was written across your face. "I'm pathetic." You mumbled.

Fan Boy shook his head, "No Duchess you're hurt." He answered you back with a soft voice. It was always calming to you.

"I don't know what to do anymore." You admitted. The words were heavy on the air.

"Well first, you have to stand up. And then you've gotta remember who you are." He instructed as he gently got you off of the floor. "You're one bad ass fighter pilot who happens to be an excellent mechanic. You don't take shit from anyone." He tried to pump you up. It was a sweet gesture but your heart felt too broken to accept kind words.

"I used to be." You grumbled before turning around to find your bed.

You laid on your side facing Maverick. Penny was in the shower after a long shift at the bar. You hated how much you inconvenienced them but you just couldn't bare to be alone. Your mind wouldn't shut down as you shifted your weight around. The restlessness was taking over your entire body and your legs had to move. They were really trying to move to find Rooster. Maverick breathed in deeply as he dozed next to you. You sighed wishing you had Rooster next to you instead. Your body felt used up and tired but you couldn't find the will to sleep. Maverick groaned before turning onto his back. "You're thinking too loud." His voice sound so tired.

"Sorry Mav." You whispered. The tears had been falling but you didn't even register you were crying.

"Just take a deep breath kid. It's going to be alright." He tried to encourage you.

"I'll go sleep on the couch." You volunteered.

"Don't even think like that Duchess. That's my bed for a few more days anyway. I'm just keeping you company until Penny is done showering." He reminded you. "Rooster will find his way back to you." He stated calmly as Penny opened the door as if on cue to take Mavericks spot in bed.

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