Chapter one: the move

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Percy Pov:
Two weeks after the Great War You would think everything was great. But, far from it. The camp had to bury their family and friends. Some couldn't even get the blood and Carnage out of their heads. But, Nobody new what I was keeping in. Not even my wise girl. 

But, I am their leader. I had no choice but to stay strong for them and lead them threw this .... or so i thought. 

It seemed fate had other plans for me. Chiron called me over to the main cabin. He let me know that I've done more then enough and needed a break; before i break. which worked out in its own way. Considering my mom and Paul where moving to forks, Washington. 

That's why u can see me  here now on a plane. Shockingly Zeus let me in to his domain just this once. Still the constant storm on the way there let me know he was anything; But, happy about it. I couldn't be more then happy when we landed. 

As we drove to the house, I watched the trees pass by. Maybe, just maybe i could rest and get the peace i desperately need. Paul was able to get a job as the new English teacher at school. It was a bigger pay, along with a nice bonus. And, mom was a writer. she Said "she can right anywhere, plus the open air and natural beauty of the forks, will be a huge help in the inspiration department.


We arrived at the new house; which Is right next to the local sheriff's house. From the looks of it he's probably not home yet. Time to see how this new chapter in my life plays out. 

After bringing in all the boxes in the house. I put my room together ish. Tomorrow I start school, FUN right. Hope i don't accidently kill someone on my first day. My mom took me out to get school supplies. There I felt like I was being watched. I whirled around, but I saw nothing. With the war I learned to trust my instincts. And they were screaming at me  someone was there and they were dangerous. I looked around some more; but, i couldn't find them. When i turn back to face my mom. she was in front me staring at me. 

She said "are you ok sweetie ?" 

I said "I my fine" we shopped a little longer till we had everything and went home after. We ended up picking up some pizza on the way back. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Bella's Pov:

I found out a new family just moved in next door from my dad. I didn't get to seem them. I'm sure i'll meet them soon in a town as small as forks. I was at Edwards house earlier hanging out with his family. I'll have to let Edward know to be more careful when he comes over. Don't want the new neighbors seeing something they shouldn't. 

(Ok comment give me feed back till me if u like ok cool. And I'm not the best writer so my post may take some time or sometimes it will come fast for the most part I'll try to update every Sunday)

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