Chapter Two: The New Kid

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Percy POV:

"Ahhh" hah hah hah it was just a dream. "PERCY IT'S TIME TO GET UP" my mom yelled from down stairs. I got dressed and headed down stairs. Mom was making my breakfast. It was blue pancakes and blue eggs. "Percy u wanna ride to school?" "Yeah that would be great, thanks Paul"I grab my bag, then me and Paul Sid by to mom and walked out to the car.


We pulled up to the school. Paul irked the car as soon as we go out the cr everyone was staring at us, like dang don't they something better to do? "Hi Percy go and get your schedule and I'll see you in class" ok, later Paul" as I was walking to the front of the school I could see a group staring at me; like they were trying to figure me out. Like if they were trying to find out if I'm a threat or not.I let go for now.

Bella's POV:

We had just arrived to school and were standing by the cars when an old car pulled. A really hot guy got out the car he looked more beautiful then any vampire I have ever seen. Like he looked like a god Hot!!! Edward didn't like him because he didn't know anything about him."I can't read his mind" said Edward. " so he's like me?" "I'm not sure"

Edwards POV:

I didn't like that I could read his mind. Something's not right i wounder if he's really human. "He smells really good like better than any human I have ever smelt"said Alice "same" said Rosalie. Yea he does he smells like the sea which is weird. His blood also kinda smells human to.

Percy POV:
I went to the main office got my schedule for class. I went to my locker got my books and went to class. I sat in the back of class. You know school sucks when they give u the most confusing class to start the day math. I found out on my way to class that the group that was staring at me was the Cullen's. I got Rosalie and Emmett in this class. I didn't pay attention in class I mostly slept. Next was English with Paul. Alice and jasper were also in this class and again I was in the back. Paul expected me to at least stay awake in his class so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. After class was lunch I went and sat down. Alice came and sat down next to me. "Hi I'm Alice" she stuck out her hand to shake. I didn't trust her because I knew she wasn't human but to keep up the im a normal kid act. i said hi back and shock her hand. "Hi I'm Percy Jackson" "cool name" u should go sit with me and my family" "ok" I felt I should know a lil more about them so I went with her and sat down. She sat down next to Jasper. She introduce me and her family to each other.
"So Percy, were u from?" Emmett asked
"New York"I said with an eyebrow raised.
"New York? That's on the other side of new of the U.S. Why did u move all the way out here?" Jasper asked.
"Stuff happen and my mom wanted to move any ways. So she took the chance and we all left and moved here. And plus it pretty peaceful here unlike New York." "Ring" "Ring""Ring" saved by the bell."well nice meeting im going to my next class bye" I left before they were able to say anything. The rest of the day was pretty boring. When school ended I couldn't have been more happy. I was walking to Paul's car but before I got to Alice stopped me.

"Hi Percy would u like to hang out today"
"sorry but I can't today maybe next time"
"Ohh, ok yeah next time defiantly"
"Goodbye Alice have nice day"
"Ok, you to; bye Percy talk to u later"
I got in to Paul's car and he drove us home. when we got there, there was a beautiful sea green and black 67 Chevy Impala in are drive way. Paul parked the car next to the Impala. We got out the car we walked up to the Impala and say a small box with a letter on it a addressed to me? I grab the box and went in side. I asked mom how the car got there she says she didn't even know it was there. Interesting, I opened the letter.
Dear, Percy
The small box u found in in chanted to hold a couple of gifts from the gods.the car was made by Hephaestus and blessed by Apollo and Hermes. Apollos blessing make u car a really big stereo and Hermes blessing makes its goes as fast as the speed of light if u want it to. Ok, now for the box open it up and start taking the gifts out. The first one is and iPhone 5s it's in chant so it won't attract the monsters and also Apollo also blessed it son now it has like unlimited amount of music. The next gift is a gift from Apollo is a pear of beats studios. well that what apollo says they are. The next gift is a pen that turns your Greek writing in to English courtesy of Athena. next gift is a magical necklace that hides your scent from the monsters. That's a gift from Artemis and Hestia. The next gift is from Ares,its a black leather jacket. Oh and blades but out from your arms when wearing the jacket.just think of it coming out and it comes out same way to put back. Well that's it love you son have a nice long over due vacation.

-love you Poseidon

Well that explains the car. And, now I got some pretty cool gifts. I asked my if I could take a drive in the car. She said its fine just be back before 8:00 pm. I said ok and went out took a drive. I ended up at the beach. even doe it really cold out and the water is freezing cold I still went in.i talked to the fish for a hour then i got out so I can get ready to go home. we i got dressed and getting ready to go to my car, I saw a group of guys coming my playing around. The guy that looks like the leader saw me looking and introduced him self and the group.

"Hi I'm Jacob and these are my friends"
"Hi I'm Percy" I could tell him and his group were not human but not the same as the Cullens.
"Nice to met u Percy"
"Nice to meet u to Jacob. I would like to stay and chat, but I have to get I'll see u around.
"Yeah u to Percy bye"

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