Chapter4: unexpected

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"Alana come here please I gotta talk to you" jack said calling out

"Why the hell are you using my full name and what do you want jack I'm busy" Lana says walking out of her office

"I need you to get ready"

"Get ready for?" Lana looked at jack confused

"I need you to get ready cause I'm taking you out to dinner" Lana was   surprised

she couldn't believe that jack for once was actually not busy and was going to actually take her out without saying a word she ran to there shared bedroom and got ready

She did her makeup but not too much she put on a silky lavender dress with heels to match she then went in the bathroom to curl her hair

She didn't hear jack come in he was staring at her leaning against the door as she continued getting ready

"You look gorgeous baby"

Lana turned her body smiling to jack

"You like it " Lana says while twirling to show him

"I do bub" jack smiles

"I'm ready" she says while putting her things away

She walked out of the bathroom and grabbed her purse

Jack couldn't stop staring at her he looked her up and down admiring her beautiful

"Take a picture it'll last longer"

"You know what I am hold on" Jack says while digging into his pocket taking out his phone to take a picture

"I can't with you" Lana giggles

"Alright let's go" jack smiles while grabbing her hand and walking out of the house heading to there car

Jack opened the door for Lana

"Thank you babe" Lana says while adjusting in her seat

"Of course" jack says softly as he closed the door

Jack got in and started the car on the way to the restaurant Lana kept looking at jack the whole ride she admired how jack drove with one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand on her thigh

Jack watched her from the side of his eyes

"You've been staring at me this whole ride what's up" Jack says turning to Lana as the car came to a red light

"Nothing just admiring the way you drive" Lana bites her lip while looking him up and down

"Mhm okay" jack turns his head back to the road while shaking his head

A couple minutes later they arrived at the restaurant

"La papillon" Lana reads the sign

"Very fancy of you J"

" I know I know you don't have to thank me" jack says playfully

"Whatever let's go I'm hungry" Lana rolls her eyes at Jack

They made there way inside  eventually sat at there table

They ended up looking at the menus the waitress  came to take their order

"Hii what can I get you two" she says with a bright smile

"Hii can I get The breaded mushrooms,Italian sausage penne and a chicken Marsala" Lana order she smiles at the lady

The waitress wrote down her order she looked at jack

"And what can I get you sir" she asked jack

"Yea uh can I get the French mimosa with chambord and a avocado omelette" jack looked up at her

"Alright I'll be back with your orders in a moment" she walked away

They turned to stare at each other for a moment they couldn't help but just smiles and take In the moment

Lana has been pushing something away she had something really important to tell jack

she thought it would be the perfect time sense they were finally out

"Hey Jack gotta I gotta tell you something-" before she could say anything else the waitress was back with their food

She set the food down on the table and left

They began to eat jack noticed that Lana was eating like crazy

"Ma slow down your gonna make yourself throw up" jack said while chuckling

"I'm sorry I'm just so hungry" she continued eating

They finished eating they were both pretty full
"You know why I took you out right" jack looked at Lana from a cross the table

"I mean I have an idea but No why" Lana frowned her eyebrows

"Cause I'm making up for the other night I felt like shit after I wanted to take you out I shouldn't have left you alone on our anniversary that should of been a special moment between us I should of just stayed with you and spent time with you and I know you don't wanna hear it but I'm sorry with that being said" jack got up from his seat Lana was confused for a moment before he got on one knee

Jack pulled out a tiny box and opened it

"Alana Elizabeth Ansley will you marry me"

Lana got up for her seat tears fell down her face she put her hand out

"Yes I will marry you" she says while smiling

He slipped the ring on her finger before picking her up and twirling her around

The whole restaurant cheers

"I love you J " Lana smiles while looking up at him

"I love you too babe" jack leans in for a kiss

Lana was just going to have to wait until they got home to tell him her surprise

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