Chapter8: Secrets

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Urban couldn't believe what he had just heard his best friends girlfriend was pregnant

"Urban please don't tell anybody we want to surprise everyone at dinner" Lana got in the front seat looking at urban

"I'm not I promise I'll keep it a secret"

"Thank you" Lana smiles

"Man the back of my fucking leg still hurts" jack groan in the back seat

"That's what you get you shouldn't have said that I had a wig on my head"

"Man I was playin" jack smacks his lips

"Yea whatever" Lana rolls her eyes

They eventually arrived at the restaurant

"Ladies Go first" jack opened the restaurant door for Lana she thanked him as she walked in

"You to urban" jack laughed

"Bro stop playing" urban walks in
They all walked to the table where everyone else was sitting

"Yo what the fuck is she doing here" Lana said under her breath

"I'm sorry baby urban invited her ass"

Lana gave urban a disgusted look

"I'm sorry your gonna have to make up with her sooner or later" urban shrugged his shoulders going to sit down next to her

Lana sighs she noticed that there was too seats open next to Neelam

"I'm going to sit next to Neelam" she says while walking over to her jack followed

"Hey Neelam" Lana says while smiling as she sat down next to her

"Hey girl how you been?" Neelam asked

"Good I'm great"
Lana was pissed off that urban invited danielle she  wanting to smash this girls head into the wall

Lana and jack where having a conversation about tour  When all of a sudden they got interrupted

"Hii Jack" danielle says seductively

Jack ignored her he found it disrespectful how she was talking to him like that knowing his soon to be wife is right there

"Yea um can you not talk to my husband like that " Lana says making eye contact with danielle she was pissed

Neelam grabs her cup as she watches this unfold

"I was just saying hi-"

"Yes I know but you completely ignored my existence you know I'm right here don't you have a boyfriend he's literally right there or are you still running around town" Lana by this point was ready to throw something at her

"Excuse me" danielle's Eyes widened

" unlike you atleast my boyfriend doesn't leave me alone on our anniversary" danielle laughing

Lana didn't know how she had found about that but before anybody could say anything Lana got up smacked the shit outta danielle

"Ouch" danielle yells

"Bitch don't you ever talk about my relationship" Lana spat out

"Yo what the hell" urban yells out

"Urban you better come get your girlfriend before I put her ass in a coma"

"What the hell lana" urban says helping danielle up

"What urban did you not just hear what the fuck she said to me or are you deaf" Lana was not in the mood

"Baby please sit down it's okay-" jack says while grabbing her hand trying to comfort her

"NO- What the fuck"

"And how the fuck does this bitch know that situation"

"I-i- I was talking to urban about it but that's the only person" jack was lowkey scared of his own girlfriend because he knew how she was

"She must of over heard it" jack says rubbing his forehead

"Aye I'm just glad she smacked that bitch" druski ate the rest of his food

Lana sat back down Neelam could tell that she wasn't taking this well

"Come on let's go to the bathroom" Neelam says while getting up

Lana gets up and follows Neelam

Jack watches as the two girls walk into the bathroom

Since lana was pregnant her emotions were all over the place once they got into the restaurant bathroom lana started balling

"Hey it's okay don't cry" Neelam says while pulling Lana into a hug

"I just didn't want anyone to know about that situation" Lana says while sobbing

"It was so personal to me I was just getting over and we even fixed that problem and he purposed to me and-" Lana's voice cracked as she spoke
"He purposed what!!!"

It was quite for a moment before Lana spoke again

"Hey can I tell you something" Lana said while pulling out of neelam's arms

"Yea sure what is it" Neelam Put her hand on Lana's shoulder

"I'm pregnant" lana bites the inside of her cheek

"Oh my god" Neelams jaw dropped in shock

"I was gonna surprise everyone but that got ruined" Lana rolls her eyes thinking about what just happened

Before Neelam could say anything else they heard a knock on the door

"Who is it" Lana says turning her head towards the door

Jack opened  the door

"everything good" jack asked he was worried about Lana

"Awh you care about me " Lana walks over to jack giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Of course I care you're my wife" jack runs his hand down lana back grabbing her ass

"Uh I'll leave the bathroom so you guys can" Neelam points at them while walking out going back to the table

jack smiled down at lana she knew what he wanted but she was not having it

"No let's go I still wanna eat my food" Lana pats jack chest and walks out of the bathroom

"Oh come on" jack whines he walked out following her

"Nope maybe later when I feel like it" lana sat back down in her seat she noticed that urban was gone

"Where the hell did urban go" Lana was confused

"him and danielle left after you went to the bathroom he looked pissed I don't know why though" jack shrugged
Lana sighs

"Well since where all here I'm pregnant and we're engaged" Lana sipped her water nonchalantly

Everyone except Neelam's frozed and looked at lana and Jack

"See I knew your ass was gonna get pregnant sooner or later" druski said making the whole table laugh
"Congratulations guys" Everyone at the table spoke

"Thank you" they both said

looking at each other they didn't notice that Neelam snapped a photo of them

The rest of the night they all had a good time talking and laughing with each other

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