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For the past week urban has been distant
He was stressed out

"Urb when are you gonna tell them" danielle asked them

"Man I don't fucking no shit- I'm stressed out I'll figure out a way to tell them but first you gotta apologize to Lana" urban said rubbing his forehead

"why she slapped me urban"

"Well you said some shit that wasn't cool when we go to there gender reveal you got to apologize to her cause it was wrong" urban said while putting back on his pants and getting out of bed to use the bathroom

While urban was in the bathroom danielle decided to unlock his phone but before she could do anything

she heard the door open and put the phone back

Urban remember what today was he forgot to ask Danielle about it

"Hey do you wanna go over to jacks there having a cook out it would be a good idea if you went so you can apologize" urban asked hoping she would say yes so this drama can be over with

"I wasn't planning on leaving the bed but I guess I'll go" she sighed  finishing her sentence

She got up to get ready

Urban and Danielle we're getting ready to leave when urbans phone started ringing

"Hello" urban walked to the door

"Aye yo urban where yo ass at" druski said through the phone

"Man shut up I'm on my way" urban smacked his lips

"Alright I'll see you when you get here then" druski said urban hung up the phone

"You ready" urban turned to danielle

"Yea let's go" she said walking behind him


Jack and druski have been arguing over who gets to play music

"Man let me I got better taste then yo ass" jack said reaching for the cord

"What you gon play some drake" druski said laughing

Lana was laughing at how stupid they were being

"You dumbasses" Lana laughed out

They both turned to look at lana

"Fuck you lana" druski said

"Love you too dru " Lana laughed out

The door bell rang

"I'll get it" Lana walked to the door and opened the door standing there was urban she smiled until she seen danielle her smile faded away

"The fuck is she doing here" Lana thought to herself but she didn't wanna start more shit so she just left it alone

"Hey urby" Lana hugged him

"Hey I bought danielle"

" I know you don't like her but I brought her over to apologize to you" urban whispered to Lana

"Alright urban but if she says some disrespectful shit to me again I'll put her in the hospital" Lana pointed her finger at urban

Urban couldn't help but laugh and shake his head at lana she walked away back to the two boys that was still arguing

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