💖I didn't know how to tell you💖

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Ehehehehheheh I'm not original at all but eh

Enjoy! They're objects in this one

Liam was alone at Bryce's apartment. Bryce went out buying groceries. Liam was sitting on Bryce's bed, thinking. He was not just thinking about anything. No, he was thinking about Bryce. He recently started having some... weird feelings for the male soda bottle, without even knowing why. Maybe it was because they went through a lot and therefore had such a strong bond, maybe it was because he was just hella gay. 

"Ugh..." Liam groaned to himself as he flopped down. "How do I tell him?"

"Tell who?" A text to speech voice suddenly sounded. 

Liam looked up at the desk. Of course, Texty was there too. Liam sighed.

"Texty, can I trust you?" He then asked.

"Yeah." Texty replied.

"Well, it's... its Bryce... I... I think I'm gay for him." Liam said.


"Yeah, I know, it's weird, but I just can't seem to shake these feelings off. I really wanna tell him, but... I can't." 

"Have you ever tried texting him?" Texty asked.

"Wh- no." Liam replied. "That's... not my way of telling people I like them. It's kinda lame too." 

"Oh, I see. Maybe buy him some flowers?"

"I... don't have any money. I'm dead to this world." 

The two remained silent. Texty was searching for something. They eventually found it.

"I think I've found something." They said.

Liam got up and went up to the computer. He looked at the screen. There was a site with love poems.

"I'm not that much of a poetic person." Liam said. "But still thanks." 

"You could sing a song or send him a song." Texty suggested.

"I can't really sing." Liam replied whilst scratching his back.

"Maybe you can write him a note." 

Liam thought. It was actually a good idea. He searched inside... himself? for an empty note. He didn't find one and just searched inside the desk instead. He eventually found a paper and a pencil with an attached eraser. 

He sat down at the desk and started writing.

Dear Bryce,

"Nope." Liam erased it.

"What?" Texty asked.

"This already sounds so cliche." Liam replied.

He wrote again. 

Hey Bryce,

He erased it.

Sup man,

He erased it again.

Yo Br

"No no no, NO." Liam erased the whole thing again.

After a few more tries he just went with "Dear Bryce," even if it sounded cliche. An other option would be "Hey babe,"  but that would have been too much for a confession letter.

"What to write next?" Liam wondered out loud as he tapped the pencil against his 'chin'.

He thought for a while, then got an idea. He started writing. When he was done, he kept the letter there, hoping Bryce would see it. He flopped down on the bed again and just went to watch YouTube videos on his phone. (while enjoying the fact Bryce always sleeps in the bed he was laying on now /j)

Eventually, Bryce came home. He opened the door and walked to the desk, placing the groceries bag on the chair.

"Hey Liam." He greeted Liam.

Liam looked up and blushed a bit.

"Hey Bryce." 

"Wanna help me with the groceries?" Bryce asked, sounding kind of tired.

Liam nodded and walked up to Bryce. They went to put away the groceries. Liam and Bryce eventually wanted to reach for the eggs, both at the same time. Their hands touched. Both blushed as they pulled their hands away.

"Oh, uh, sorry!" Liam said.

"No, no, it's fine!" Bryce grabbed the eggs and put them away.

After that, he left the kitchen. They were done with the groceries anyways. Liam just decided to stay in the kitchen. He sat down somewhere and thought to himself. 

He then suddenly regretted the whole letter idea.

Oh my god, why did I do that again? I should go and get that letter! He thought.

Meanwhile, Bryce was inside the other room again. He noticed the letter laying there and walked up to it.

"Huh?" Bryce grabbed the better. "Wait, it's for me?"

He started reading it. This is how the letter went:

Dear Bryce,

I'm writing this letter because I want to tell you something. First of all, I wanna tell you you're a great friend, even if there are some disagreements between us. You're such a good friend and... I'm so happy to have you in my life! You're the one that's keeping me going right now. And I wanna thank you for that.

Second of all, I'm bi. Yeah, you probably thought I was straight and liked Scenty, but I'm not. Well, not 100% at least. I'm 50% straight, 50% gay, haha. I don't like Scenty though, I just see her as a friend. A very good friend.

There is someone else I have feelings for though. You probably want to know who it is by now. Well, uhm, it's... it's you. I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time, but I- I just couldn't! So I just wrote this note instead.

I know, it's probably really weird. Hell, I don't even know why I got feelings for you in the first place! But I do hope you feel the same or at least accept these feelings and it doesn't ruin our friendship. 

Sincerely, Liam.

PS: Texty came with the idea of writing a note. Yes I asked them for help.

Bryce was surprised. He also started blushing more and more the further he read into it. Silently, he stared at the letter, reading it over and over again.

Liam then came in. He softly gasped when he saw Bryce holding the letter. He blushed of embarrassment.

"Bryce? Oh god, you actually read that thing? I- i-it wasn't-"

"Liam," Bryce slowly approached Liam. "why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He placed his hand on Liam's cheek, making the green backpack blush more.

A small silence formed.

"W-well, I... I was nervous... and afraid it'd ruin our friendship...." Liam then replied, looking down.

Bryce made Liam look up at him again. 

"Liam," he said with a small smile. "you didn't have to be nervous." 

Liam raised a brow. Bryce chuckled (like that sexy af chuckle he did in that episode which the goofy ahh author of this book forgot the name of).

"I feel the same way, Liam." Bryce said, before kissing Liam.

Liam was flustered, but kissed back. He wrapped his arms around Bryce. The two pulled away after a few seconds. They smiled at each other.

"So this means we're... a thing now?" Liam asked.

"Well only if you want to me." Bryce replied.

"Well, I... I'd like to be..." 

"Ok, then we're a thing."

They kissed again.

"Aww, so gay!" Texty said, just typing this time.

1075 words! I know, it's cliche as fuck, but I do like how fluffy it turned out to be! :D

C'ya at the next part!

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