💔💖Night talks💔💖

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They're objects lol. Also uhhh they curse a lot bc I got this hc where Bryce swears a lot lmao. Enjoy! And this'll start out a bit angsty but will end up more fluffy ^^

It was night. Liam was trying to sleep, but he couldn't. He didn't know what exactly fucked his sleep schedule that badly, but he just couldn't fall asleep. It was also the nagging feeling of wanting to find out what those notes meant. Liam wanted to know if Bryce was awake too. If he was awake, they could talk. About the notes or something else maybe? Liam didn't know yet. He turned to Bryce. 

"Hey, Bryce?" He whispered.

Bryce didn't respond. He just stirred. 

"Bryce? Are you awake?" Liam whispered a bit louder, sitting up. "Wake up!" 

Bryce still didn't respond. He just groaned. Liam sighed. He laid back down and thought to himself. He decided to try again. He knew Bryce was awake and just tried to ignore him.

"Hey, Bryce, BRYCE!" Liam whisper-yelled.

"Ugh, WHAT?" Bryce whisper-yelled back. 

"I can't sleep." 

"Alright, cool. I don't care. You woke me up." 

"Wanna talk?" Liam asked rather cutely.

Bryce felt his face heat up at this. Why did he think Liam was so cute? He sighed as he sat up a bit, rubbing his eyes.

"About what? I swear, if it's about those notes again-"

"I wanted to brainstorm about these notes, maybe." Liam pulled them out. 

"Ugh..." Bryce groaned. "It's always those notes. Can't we just let this shit go for ONE moment? I'm kinda getting tired of it. So are you. It's fucking up your sleep schedule."  

"Oh." Liam looked down. "Well, I really wanna-"

"You want to know what the fuck is up with that shit. And what's up with Scenty. I know that, but we can't just keep on doing this." 

Liam was silent.

"Look, I'm willing to help you, but not in the middle of the night, ok?" Bryce said when he noticed. "We could talk about something else though. Considering you woke me up and I can't fall asleep anymore now."

"What do you wanna talk about then?" Liam asked.

"Well, we could talk about when the fuck you're getting a job. You're broke as fuck." Bryce replied.

"Dude, I'm dead to this world. I'm not even sure if anyone would hire me." 

"You could always try." 

"Hm, maybe..."

They went silent again. Liam wanted to say something, but got interrupted by a silent yawn. He laid down.

"Finally, my mind is gonna let me sleep." He mumbled.

Bryce chuckled.

"Good." He said, laying down as well.

They eventually fell asleep. 

It was a few days later. It was almost night, but Liam wanted to go outside. Even though he seemed very tired and like he would pass out any moment. This was because Liam had a few sleepless nights, trying to find out what the notes meant with some help of Texty, who was awake too. Liam and Bryce were having a discussion because Liam wanted to go outside.

"Bryce, this is a new clue! We can find out what it means if-"

"Liam, I know! But you're legit fucking up your sleep schedule! You're fucking up my sleep schedule! The fact you're dead to the world and could commit any war crime doesn't mean you have to do this! It's still illegal!" Bryce interrupted Liam. "I'm not gonna do this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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