Chapter 10

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.....I am so sorry.... It's been over a year. I have no excuses. Just apologies. So please enjoy!

Sunday morning rolled around, and Eliza quietly got dressed for church. Benji was already ready, playing downstairs. As she brushed her hair, she stared in the mirror and squinted her eyes. He was going to be at church probably. His mama and hers had always gone to the same church. And it followed that he would know that. He hadn't tried calling, and he hadn't shown up at her door again like she had been anticipating all week. Work at the shop had resumed and she had been insanely restless all week. Somehow, she had a feeling something was going to happen, and she didn't have a clue what. And she hated not knowing.

She looked up as a soft rustle at the door caught her attention. "You ready, Benji?"

He simply continued staring at her and she smiled before grabbing her purse and keys.

Walking into church, all eyes seemed to turn to her. News traveled fast in a small town, and while it didn't bother her, she still thought about it. It seemed everyone already knew about Benji and Coulter as her feet carried her down to her pew. And there he was, dressed up in nice blue jeans and a button-down shirt, his boots clean and fresh. He rapidly stood, one hand going to his cuffs as he absently played with them. Without so much as a word of hello, Eliza entered her pew and sat, pulling Benji to sit down beside her. Coulter hesitantly sat next to her, hands restlessly smoothing his jeans. "Hey," he tried.

Eliza was slightly annoyed that he purposely sat on her pew so she had to talk to him. The other part of her wanted to laugh hysterically at how nervous he was around her. She forced a smile. "Hi."

"You don't mind if I sit here, do you? My mom said this is where you sat."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Well, I can't ask you to move because then everyone currently staring at us would have one more thing to talk about now wouldn't they?"

He grinned. "Let them talk."

Eliza blew out a breath. A petty remark was about to fly past her lips when the pianist started playing the first hymn. She needed to remember where she was before her unholy thoughts about what she would like to yell at Coulter got her struck down in the church. She shook her head in defeat as Coulter picked up a hymn book and started singing. He had a good voice, she mused, one hand holding a hymnal for Benji to see.

Coulter couldn't stop looking at her, stealing little glances out of the corner of his eye. She was beyond pretty in her Sunday dress. And Benji looked darn cute in his button-down and jeans just like Coulter was wearing. They almost looked like a family if it wasn't for the space in between them. He wondered what Eliza would do if he slid over and rested his arm on the back of the pew. Probably slap him in front of everybody. That made him grin.

He could tell she was less than impressed that had stolen her spot to sit in church and basically made her sit with him. But she had softened up when he had smiled at her. God, the woman made him nervous. He focused his attention reluctantly on the preacher when he started talking. It was hard to take his attention off Eliza and Benji.

After the service, they stepped outside into the bright sunshine and Coulter watched as Eliza mingled and made small talk with some of the other churchgoers. She was smiling and laughing. He felt so out of place. It had been a while since he had known anything other than pure hell. Awkwardly, he slipped his hands in his pockets and leaned up against a pillar outside of the church, his eyes never leaving Benji and Eliza.

"Son," the voice behind him made him turn, tearing his gaze reluctantly from the two.

"Hey, Ma," he answered giving her a hug.

Jenny Davis pursed her lips patting his arm as she nodded to Eliza who turned to look for Coulter at that moment. "Well, this is going to be interesting," she murmured.

Eliza had Benji on her hip. "Hello, Miss Jenny."

"Liza," Jenny nodded, her smile forced.

Internally, Eliza rolled her eyes. She hated that nickname, and everyone knew it. Coulter eyed the two knowing that they were acquainted but the unusual tension made him wonder what else must have gone on that he didn't know about. Benji ducked his head his little legs kicking back and forth as he picked up on the general awkwardness of the situation.

"Coulter, we're having lunch at the creek this evening, if you would like to come."

"Stillwater creek?"

Eliza nodded.

Benji perked up at the mention of the creek.

Coulter watched as Eliza walked to her car and turned to his mom who was still watching Eliza and Benji hostility barely hidden in her eyes. "Ma is there something you want to tell me?" he asked, turning to walk her to her little car.

Jenny shook her head her lips tight. "No, son, I just knew this day would come."

Coulter looked confused. "What're you talking about?"

"That girl is trouble," Jenny said instead of answering his question, "She's after your paycheck. You'd be smart to stay away from her and that kid."

Coulter's mouth hung open for a second before he grabbed his mom's arm and swung her to face him. "Ma, I don't like what you're saying," he gritted his teeth, "And I don't think you have any say in the matter anyway."

Jenny slapped his hand off her arm, her eyes darting to where parishioners were walking past them. "That boy has been nothing but trouble since the day he was conceived. Like I said, I knew this day would come."

She marched toward her car and Coulter stood rooted to the spot, anger coursing through his veins even as shock held him still. "MA!" he stalked after her.

"Sounds to me like you got something to say to me," Coulter was steaming, "Did you know about Benji? Wait let me rephrase that. How long have you known I had a son?"

Jenny raised an eyebrow. "Didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. When that tramp had 'em and then died on him I was glad. Because then I didn't think anyone would ever know. Best thing she ever did was keep her mouth shut."

Coulter turned white realizing just what his mother was saying. "You knew all along," he whispered, feeling sick, "Why didn't you tell me? How can you live with yourself? Sayin things like that? Ma, what is wrong with you?"

"You don't speak to me like that," Jenny hissed, getting in her car, "Besides it's not a secret anymore. So it doesn't really matter."

Coulter watched as she pulled out of the parking lot, one hand tugging on his hair. What a complete and total mind boggle.


Whoohoo!! Please excuse me while I choke on humiliation that I have no updated this story in over a year. I had no realized that. I am horrible. Anyway, Eliza is too nice and she is getting on my nerves bust for some reason this character is writing herself. We love when that happens. 

How is everyone? Alive and well hopefully. As always vote and comment!

I love to hear from ya'll. 


Scarlett McLeod 

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