Chapter 4

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Stanley Weber as Coulter Benjamin Davis

The Parade

Eliza dressed excitedly, trying to determine how to get in contact with Coulter Davis. She had to talk to him after the parade. Benji was excited too at the promise of cotton candy and watermelon. Eliza had kept her suspicions to herself, not wanting gossip to spread just in case her suspicion was wrong. But Coulter was an unusual name. Maybe this was Sam trying to help her find Benji's father. She was sure the man deserved to know he had a son. The more she thought about it, the more certain she was he didn't know. It would all make sense now why Sam wouldn't say anything.

All of Dogwood turned out for the parade down Main Street, the local band playing patriotic songs as the small band of men marched down the street. Eliza strained to see him, trying to pick him out of the crowd. Mae asked her what she was looking for, but she shook her head in response. She wasn't sure.

Danny, Mae's husband, held Maria on his shoulders and Benji eyed the position and then pointed up. Eliza laughed and lifted him to her shoulders so he could see better. He was doing remarkably well considering the amount of people and noise. After the parade, the band moved to the end of the street to the stage that had been set up for them and switched to playing country music while everyone milled about, chatting and talking and eating.

Food trucks had lined up and the sweet smell of barbecue permeated the air in one spot while fried chicken enticed the noses elsewhere. It was a great turnout. Down by the band, a bunch of teenagers gathered, dancing and Eliza smiled before lifting Benji down to walk. The hot sun beat down on them as Mae led them towards the face painting area. Maria eagerly sat down, as the artist started painting her design on her face. Davy picked out tiger stripes and Eliza knelt down and asked Benji what he wanted. He hesitated before settling on the camouflage and Eliza laughed before taking several pictures of him when it was done. He grinned proudly up at her, one hand patting his face to feel the paint and then his eye caught the Snow Boogers sign. He jumped up and down excitedly and after promising to be right back, Eliza let him pull her towards the food truck. He frowned impatiently at the long line.

"Want to go eat something else and then we can come back?" asked Eliza indulgently.

He shook his head stubbornly and stood his ground. "Okay," she agreed, "The icecream will definitely taste good in this heat."

He held tightly to her hand and Eliza felt her attention drift to a group of guys emerging from the Dorsett Motel. They were the soldiers, now in civilian clothes. They must have changed. Her eyes darted from one face to the next before settling on him.

Coulter Davis.

He looked unbelievably good in boots, jeans, and a white t-shirt. He looked relaxed. Her heart pounded in her ears as the soldiers headed towards them. Benji tugged her forward and Eliza's attention snapped back to him as she stumbled slightly, realizing it was time to order. He looked at her with his inquisitive blue eyes and she smiled reassuringly before placing an order for a strawberry cheesecake snow booger. Benji's favorite.

The group of men were now directly behind them in line, joking about how on earth something called a Snow Booger could taste good. She handed the monstrous icecream treat to Benji while she paid. And when she turned around, Coulter Davis crouched down in front of Benji staring wide-eyed at the Snow Booger while he made conversation.

"So this is the infamous Snow Booger," he asked, smiling gently.

Benji stared at him bashfully. Eliza smiled as her heart quivered. The man definitely didn't know he had a son. Now that she could see him up close, she was beginning to see the resemblance between the two. Same big blue eyes and square chin. And Eliza had a feeling that once his hair grew out, Coulter Davis's hair would be curly just like Benji's.

"What's your name, little man?" asked Coulter.

Benji shuffled in place and ducked his head. Coulter nodded to the face paint and said, "I like the camouflage. Having fun today?"

Eliza jerked out of her thoughts and said softly, "Benji, his name is Benji."

His eyes rose to hers and he smiled lopsided before standing to his feet. Eliza was forced to look up at him as she moved out of his way so they could order. But he continued staring at her while the rest of his group stepped forward and nodded to Benji, who was currently smearing his face with icecream. "He shy?" he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Selective mute," she answered softly, laying her hand on Benji's head and trying not to freak out that she was standing in front of Benji's father.

She was almost positive now. He frowned then and shook his head. "I'm sorry," he apologized, "I had no idea."

He flushed suddenly then and said, "I'm Coulter Davis. I almost forgot my manners."

Eliza chuckled and accepted the hand he stuck out and shook it firmly. "Eliza Darby," she introduced herself. He nodded to his friends and said, "I'll leave you to your icecream."

He looked down at Benji and smiled, "Or what's left of it."

He turned to walk away and Eliza said quickly, "Mr. Davis."

Coulter stopped and Eliza flushed as she realized what she was asking was going to sound like. He quirked an eyebrow at her and it was her turn to flush as she asked, "Can I talk to you later and in private?"

He looked surprised at her request and immediately prepared to turn her down. She interrupted him and said, "Not like that. It's important."

"I don't know," he said hesitantly, his expression suddenly guarded, "I don't think that's a good idea."

Eliza covered Benji's ears and almost desperately said, "It's about Samantha White."

His face paled suddenly and she bit her lip as she watched him think a moment before he nodded slowly. "Landmark Café," he said brusquely, "Six o'clock work for you?"

She nodded and he turned and left without a backwards glance. Eliza bent down to Benji's level and wiped the icecream from his face before turning him to go find Mae and Danny. Mae touched her arm when they walked up and said, "That looked intense."

Eliza looked at her quickly and then said cryptically, "I'll tell you later."

When six o'clock came, Eliza left Benji with her parent's and headed to the café to meet Coulter. Her heart thudded as she uneasily wondered if she was making the right decision. Suppose he decided to take Benji away from her? She couldn't imagine her life without him now that he was hers. She would fight to keep him, she knew, but her heart knew she had to do the right thing. Sam's name definitely meant something to the man. And he deserved to know he had a son.

She pulled up outside the café and slowly made her way inside. The sun was setting outside and bathing everything in a golden glow. Dread began to well up in Eliza as she approached the table where Coulter sat in the back.

Special update!!!

Coulter is about to have the shock of his life. Hello, Dogwood! How are you today? Merry Christmas for those of you out there that celebrate!! Hope you are having a wonderful day.

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Also, all photos posted at the beginning of chapters will be from Instagram or Google. None of these pictures are mine or of my possession but belong solely to the individuals in the pictures.


Scarlett McLeod

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