Chapter 1

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Eliza Darby sat up, sleepy-eyed, as piercing screams rang throughout the house. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and groaned aloud. It was four A.M. Quickly, she clambered out of bed, yawning and rubbing the grit from her eyes. The screams never let up or diminished in intensity. Fully awake, Eliza's feet quickly carried her across the hall. She opened the door and swiftly got to the bed, gathering the screaming, shivering little body into her arms.

"Benji," she called softly, "Benji, baby, wake up."

The screams died down to sobs as she cradled the five-year-old boy closer. Tear-filled blue eyes, pupils dark and large with fear, stared up at her. Eliza tamped down her own urge to cry, knowing he would be even more upset if he saw her tears. So instead, she rocked him gently back and forth, murmuring soothing nonsense in his ear. Two small arms latched tightly around her neck as a curly brown head nestled against her shoulder. The soft, teary, cries were sniffles and hiccups now.

Eliza stood. Benji's arms tightened around her as he burrowed deeper into her embrace. She carried him back to her room, a glance at the clock showing her it was almost time for her to actually be up. Five o'clock was only minutes away.

Benji fought her as she tried to lay him down on her bed, tears springing to his eyes once more.

"Okay, okay," she assured him, cradling his head gently, "I've got you. It's okay."

She eased down on the bed and rested her back against the headboard, shoving a pillow between her body and the unforgiving wood. Benji curled up in her arms, his body laying against her chest as she pulled the blue duvet up over both of them.

"Go back to sleep, baby," she cooed.

She held him tightly, rocking slightly as she hummed underneath her breath. Benji's eyelids drooped as his thumb crept into his mouth. Eliza knew it was a bad habit, but she let him have the comfort, knowing he needed it.

Eliza looked down at the sleeping child, his cheeks stained with tears. A fierce sense of protectiveness filled her in a familiar rush.

Her son.

He was hers in the eyes of God, their family, and the courts of law. She might not be his birth mother, Samantha, but he was hers all the same.

Poor Samantha.

Her death had been nothing anyone expected. Her murder something that played out every night in Benji's dreams, Eliza was sure. Not that he had told her. Benji hadn't spoken a word in six months, two weeks and three days.

Eliza focused back on the present as Benji moved on her lap, sucking his thumb more vigorously. From that to the tiny furrow in between his little dark brows, she surmised he was having another nightmare. Her alarm clock suddenly jangled and Eliza mentally berated herself for forgetting to turn it off. Benji jerked awake and another bout of tears prompted by the loud noise made Eliza feel like a monster. Quickly, she slapped her hand on the alarm, fumbling for the off button while simultaneously quieting Benji. "It's okay," she said softly, "Just the alarm. It's time to get up, honey."

He climbed up her body until he could lay his head on her shoulder, still sucking his thumb. Eliza chuckled. "Time for breakfast," she said cheerily, pushing back the covers and getting up, "What do you want to eat?"

She held her breath, hoping against hope that he would respond. But he didn't and Eliza sighed as she made her way into the kitchen.

Maybe tomorrow.


Welcome to Hometown Boy! You guys, how are you today? I am fit as a fiddle.

After my brief venture into the fantastic fantasy world (Under an Alaskan Moon) I have to say it is good to be back to working with people that don't randomly shift into wolves. A lot less problematic.

That being said, welcome to Eliza, Coulter, and Benji's story!

Please give this chapter a vote and comment and let me know what you think!


Scarlett McLeod

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