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the title is suposed to say " training" but the  font is mesing up the "I's" idk why tho



{Aki Suzuki POV}

It has been about 6 months since I have joined the LOV.

I have goten realy close to my dad and Tenko. I feel like I belong on this planet for the first time ever. We have been doing a lot of 'lost family bonding' so we can catch up. 

I have open up to them a lot, I have told them about the things that woman has done to me. They were both furious and ready to kill her right at that moment, but I stoped them, because I want to get revenge on her myself. I want her to live a life without the money coming in her bank acount from using me. She will be on the sreets soon probably anyways... I hope she suffers in hell. 

But enough about my sad backstory, about all that later. 

I have started my training. I have made a big progress, you can see the muscles growing on my body. My dad says I need to learn to fight with out a quirk, so I'm learning how to use a gun and some throwing knives. I have allways wanted to try them. 

My dad is teaching me how to use guns, he says I have an amazing aim. He is also an amazing teacher. 

Right now Im learning how to use a knive by myself, but I would want to find a teacher that could teach me some techniques to trow better. I hope I could find one soon.

For now I have copied 48 quirks together, but only 6 of them I realy like and focus on - Teleportation, Mind reading, Telekinesis, Darkness, Agony and Healing.

Teleportation, Mind reading, Telekinesis and Healing are exactly how they sound like. Just being able to do what the name of the quirk says, but the other two are a bit more complicated.

With Darkness I can make anyone see nothing. When I focuss on a person or a group of people, I can make then see only darkness, just straight up black nothingess. They will still be able to hear  or feel things around them, but they will feel like they are blind. I like this one because it would make a good way of messing with people. But if I overuse it my eyes could start bleading, YES my EYES will start bleading. So I'll try not to use it mutch, but its still worth to be focused on.

And Agony, probably my favorite of all the quirks I have copied. This one makes people feel mental and physical pain, depends on what I want them to feel. It can bring back some bad memories and trauma up and mess the person up. This quirk doesnt have a lot of drawback, just me being mentaly and physically exausted.

Drawbacks for Teleportation is just exaustion, Mind reading can give me a big headache, Telekenisis gives big headaches ass well and nose bleeds if overused, and healing gives me exaustion. Biger exaustion if I heal other people.

I have other quirks like super streight, speed, levitation (and more) that could use training, but I wont focus on these a lot. i have quirks as unbreakable bones, that don't realy need training, because it's just there. A few of quirks just don't need training to be used.

Thats about it about my quirk training, I also have physical training to enhance my body's strength. Also some mental trainig, so I don't get scared of dead people since I'm gonna see a lot of those.

But it's geting a little boring here. Dad doesn't let me meet anyone here realy. Only Tenko, Dad and Kurogiri know about me here. Dad say's not to trust a lot of people right now, but he will introduce me to some other members soon. 

Its not like I need to meet them, I know every member from LOV. In my free time I watch them train and read some files about the members, but I want to make friends. TwT

There are a lot of kids my age, from the files I read they all had rough childhoods and some kind of abuse in theyre life.

There is this one particular kid who got my interest. He has a realy interesting quirk and he is realy... beautiful!


sorry about this short and shity chapter, just wanted to write about Aki's new powers and what he is doing to become a villain

sorry there werent any dialogue in this chapter, only Aki's POV...

next chapter is going to be more interesting, I promise!

If you find any spelling mistakes, let me know, it was over 12PM when I was writing this and to lazy to over read...


792 words


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