just my type // america x fem reader

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song based
it's basically the title name LISTEN TO SPED UP VERISON PLS
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music roared from outside the building and the lights barely made it past the windows. the place was filled with people partying and doing fuck all.

america sat at a club that was pretty popular in the area. most of the countries were there since it was the weekend and everyone wanted to go out.

the lights were dim yet all the colors from the ceiling were bright and blinding. the music was loud and the alcohol was strong.

m-m-m-more then meets the eye
to tell the truth would be a lie~

america wanted to get away for a little bit to cool off. he ordered a drink from the bartender and fixed his sunglasses in the process.

everyone in the country industry had a role, even you. you were a note writer for meetings, boring right? hell yeah it was, but you were able to get along with everyone so easily.

although you and america were not a good duo. in fact, you both were enemies and it wasn't the russia and america type. there was a tension between the two of you that didn't make sense. at least, that's what you guys thought.

you see, america actually adored you and was a little bit obsessive despite acting in disgust. who knew that the feelings were mutual? you both knew a lot about each other but didn't want to admit it.

Saw her out on friday night, misunderstood~

he looked around while waiting for his drink and saw you, a black dress that fit your curves naturally and beautifully. your body was moving rhythmically with the music, hypothesizing him.

he couldn't pry his eyes off you no matter how hard he tried. he didn't know if it was the alcohol but he didn't mind at that point.

he decided to walk up to you, seeing that you were also drunk. both of you were not in the right head space, who knows that might be good?

you quickly notice him and felt as if you should hate him. you looked at him in disgust yet you had no reason for it. quickly your look disappeared and you started to feeling something else that felt disgusting to think about.

you saw he was wearing a white polo that was slightly unbuttoned and a black tie hung loosely around his neck.

She's balling for a guy
that cigarette needs a light~

"Ame~ Of course I'd see you here" you rolled your eyes.

"I wasn't a party type of person ya know?If I knew you were coming I wouldn't have came at all." you said with a obviously fake cold voice.

"I figured..though I like the change" he said with a smirk, secretly sliding his hands slightly above your waist and you didn't stop him.

his hair was kind of a mess, it was the good kind of mess. you couldn't stop looking at him, just like how he couldn't stop looking at you.

"thoughhhhh.. if I get to see you like this, maybe it wouldn't be so bad" you said, unaware with anything you were saying.

both you and americas faces were red from the alcohol and the closeness between your warm bodies. you didn't know where this could lead to, but deep down you were hopeful for something exciting.

"keep coming to parties dressed like this, i'll definitely be at every party~" with his hands still above your waist his thumbs make small circles, basically massaging your sides.

with this simple touch, you just wanted more.

Pluck up the courage and invite her no where good~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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