Chapter 13

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It was the morning after their intimate night and Elsa was wide awake. It was a bright, crisp morning. The sun shone through the window and illuminated the whole room. Jack's arms were wrapped around Elsa's slender abdomen, her bare back pressed up against his toned chest.

Elsa was fiddling with the white duvet that was covering their naked bodies, when a thought struck her mind. 'What the fuck am I doing?' She went out on a date with her boss and then gave her virginity to him without even knowing him fully. She was so caught up with Jack that she forgot about herself and her feelings. Elsa, what did you do?!

She slipped out of Jack's embrace and put her undergarments back on. She heard Jack groan and then sigh. "Good morning, Elsa." He whispered. She turned around and stared at him, "Good morning, Jack." Jack looked around his room and noticed the lack of clothes on his and Elsa's body. He remembered last night and smiled inwardly, the feeling of her skin, the scorching kisses and the pleasurable moans emitted from her mouth. He fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. This was all wrong, it shouldn't have happened.

He looked towards her, "Get dressed Elsa, we're leaving." He muttered. Elsa nodded and walked over to her suitacase and then entered the bathroom. After the click of the lock was heard, Jack scrambled out of bed and hurriedly put his clothes back on. He rushed downstairs and grabbed the clothes that were scattered around his living room floor and folded it and then placed it on top of the washing machine. Shortly afterwards, Elsa came downstairs in a black skinny jeans, loose grey t-shirt and white converse with her hair in her usual braid. Jack grabbed the car keys and Elsa followed him with her suitcase.


Jack was silently driving his car whilst Elsa was listening to her own music on her phone. Jack stopped at a red signal, he looked at Elsa, taking in her beauty but soon regretted it when thoughts entered his mind. He quickly turned away from her when Elsa noticed him staring at her.

They arrived at Elsa's house, "I'll see you tomorrow at the office then." Jack mumbled, Elsa quietly agreed and then got out with her suitcase. Jack rubbed his face and groaned. "I have to stop this." He sighed and drove away.

It was Monday and Jack was standing in his office and looking up into the sky. He was sorting out everything in his mind, he had to get this over and done with before it was too late. He needed to do this, it was for the best. A loud knock broke him from his thoughts. "Come in."

Elsa walked in with her normal work attire. "Elsa, we need to talk." He muttered. "Eh, okay." She mumbled nervously. Jack gestured her to sit and she obliged. Jack took a deep breath, "I only used you for sex, I don't care about you and I never liked you. You were part of a bet, I lied about you being my first time. You mean nothing to me." He spoke strictly whilst smirking. Elsa's eyes widened and her jaw hung open. WHAT?! Elsa's eyes turned to a dark shade of blue, fury was taking over her body.

She stood up abruptly causing the chair to fall backwards, "YOU WERE USING ME?" She shouted furiously, anger yet a tinge of sadness flashed across her eyes. Jack nodded mockingly and continued to smirk. He walked over to her and grabbed her chin roughly, forcing her to look at him. "Aw, poor Elsie. I thought you would be smart enough to not fall for my plans, but you're just like the others, so predictable." She flinched at his tone. He took her innocence and humility but it wasn't just his fault it was also hers. She fell in his traps.

Elsa pushed his hand away from her chin, "How could you do this?" Elsa was on the verge of tears. She was fooled and humiliated. Jack laughed menacingly. "Is little Elsie going to cry? I thought you would be hard to take advantage of but I was wrong, you fell with a click of my finger." He was making Elsa angrier by the second. She couldn't control it anymore. Her knuckles were turning white from the amount of force that was being made by her. She brought her fist up and smashed it against his cheek, he fell back a little from the power. He lightly touched his cheek and flinched from pain. He was sure that it was bright red. He could taste blood, and he felt the inside of his right cheek with his tongue and it was bleeding as well as his gums.

"You bastard! I hate you, you heartless monster!" She yelled. Jack's heart ached. She turned and walked towards the door, but before she left fully, she turned and looked at him. She glared at him fiercely, "I QUIT!" She yelled and slammed the door shut. Jack stood there speechless. He sank to the floor.

"I am so sorry, Elsa." He whispered as lights sobs started to jerk his shoulders.

Elsa ran out of the building, tears clouding her vision. She bumped into a few people but she kept running. She ran and ran and ran until she reached her home.

She could hear Anna and Kristoff in the kitchen. She burst into her bedroom and slammed the door shut. She fell on top of her bed and cried softly. A soft knock was heard, "Elsa?" Anna asked concerned. "Are you okay?" Anna was getting worried.

"I'm fine." Elsa croaked out. She wasn't fine at all, she was betrayed, used and crushed and yet she still wanted Jack to comfort her.


Well... I'm sorry! Please don't kill me! Plot twist...? I don't know. I apologise for crushing people's hearts. Hopefully things will get better?
So Elsa is no longer Jack's Secretary and shit's starting to go down in this book. Watch out for the chapters coming ahead. I have everything planned out. I hope you liked this chapter! 34K+ reads! Thank you for reading!

- Mariana

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