Making Ends Meet

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Louis' POV

The classroom is quiet during the test. All day I've been giving my classes unit tests.
And so far it's all been well. But as you know, chaos always unfolds during my last class; Harry's class.

I occasionally glance up from my phone to peer over the students. They all seem to be working hard.

My eyes land on my best student, Luke. He taps his pencil on the desk with his eyes shut tightly. His face scrunches up, and not like how I usually see it.
He seems pained.

He blows out a breath and opens his eyes, immediately catching mine. He hesitates before raising his hand and blurting out, "Mr. Tomlinson! Can I be excused?"

I sit up straighter, lowering my phone. "Luke, you can't leave during a test."

"Please," He begs, "I think I'm going to hurl."

Calum rubs his back at his words. Luke's pleading eyes encourage me to change my mind, "Okay, fine. Is your test done?"

He nods, jumping up and grabbing his test off the desk. He runs to my desk, dropping it in front of me before scurrying out of the room.

I scan over his test.
Every question is answered.
Every question is right.

I hum with pride for my student before writing his grade on the paper. I set it to the side and go back to playing games on my phone.

"Baby!" Harry turns to me when I call him before he gets in the hallway.

"Yes, Lou?"

I ask, "Can you check on Luke? He didn't seem well earlier."

Harry nods, "Of course." He leans on his toes and kisses my cheek before heading to his last class.

"So?" I ask as Harry gets in the car after school. He gives me a strange look. "Luke. Was he okay?"

"Oh!" Harry exclaims, "Oh yeah. Just pregnancy stuff. It happens."

I pat his thigh as I pull the car into the street. "Tell me if you ever feel bad like that. Okay?"

Harry nods, "Sure, whatever." He pauses before adding, "Can we go out tonight?"

Harry squeezes my hand from across the table. He breathes slowly with his eyes closed. My hand is starting to ache from his grip.

"Should we leave?" I ask him again.

He shakes his head, "No, no. I wanted to come out and if this baby can't get over it then that's their problem!" He let's go of my hand to massage his tummy. "I just need some food."

I nod and call over a waiter.

As Harry takes a sip of his lemonade, someone rushes over to our table. Harry looks up when they say, "Harry! I'm so sorry!"

I look up to see Zayn frantically begging for forgiveness. Niall comes up behind him, attempting to pull away the omega by his waist.

Zayn pushes him away though, set on talking to Harry. He sobs, "Please, Harry! Im so sorry! I didn't think about it! I overreacted and I'm a horrible friend! Please!"

Harry stands up, letting Zayn nuzzle into his neck for a hug. Harry pats his back and shushes him, "It's okay. I understand."

Zayn says through tears, "You make a beautiful couple and your baby will be so lucky!"

Niall looks to me and shrugs, "Sorry, he saw you when we came in and I couldn't keep him back."

I wave him off, "It's fine. I'm happy he came to his senses."

"And Louis!" Zayn cries, "I'm so sorry! I'm such a bad friend! I'm sorry I hit you and I'm sorry for everything I said!"

He comes toward me so I stand up and pull him into a forgiving hug. I rub his arms as he shakes against my chest. "It's okay," I tell him, "We're past it now." I look over Zayn to Niall, "You want to just sit with us?"

Niall smiles, "Yeah, thanks Louis."

After a long night of chatting with Zayn and Niall, me and Harry had to head home. We say goodbye to them and walk to my car.

That night, as I hold Harry in bed, he mumbles off some questions, "Lou? What should we name the baby? Do you think we'll have a boy or a girl? Will we have an alpha? If they're an omega, how will we keep them safe? How do you raise a beta?"

I pat Harry's belly before kissing his shoulder and saying, "We have plenty of time for names. I don't care if it's a boy or girl. If we have an alpha than they'll be the most respectful alpha ever. If we have an omega than we'll teach them self defense and how to stay safe. And if we have a beta? Then we'll do our best. We'll make sure they know they're loved and show them that they're important to the world too."

Harry hums and turns around in my arms. He presses a light kiss to my lips and closes his eyes. Harry rests his face into my chest and falls into a peaceful sleep.

I stay awake for an hour longer, just staring at the ceiling. Harry has so many questions about our future.
What if what he wants, I can't make happen?
What if I'm not a good dad?
What if I'm not a good alpha?
What if-

"Babe," Harry grumbles, "Go to sleep."

I kiss his forehead and cuddle into him more. "Okay, sorry baby."

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