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2 days after the sleepover it is monday again
*max knocks on ur door*
Karen : hi max yn is still asleep u can go and wake her up if u want
*she lets max in and smiles*
Max : thx karen
*max goes upstairs in ur room*
Yn : wha- were oh shi-
*u fall out of ur bed *
Yn : u were joking...
Max : yuppp i whas your mom let me in
Yn : haha hey uh im gonna change so brb
*u go in ur bathroom and change an max is sitting on ur bed looking at pics of u that are hanging on the wall*
Max : ohh u look cute on this one
Yn : oh noo that photo
*u go out of the bathroom*
Yn : that one is cringe
Max : well i think u look cute on the baby pic
*u guys go downstairs*
Karen : bye girls mike is alr at school
Max,yn : byee

At school
Max : hi guys
Everyone : hi max and yn
Mike : hey u guys know we have p.e today
Will : seriously noooo
Dustin : ohh yesss
Lucas : finaly
Yn : oh shi- did u all brought ur p.e chlothes
Everyone : yeah
El : yn mike brought yours go check ur locker he putted in there
Mike : el 😅
El : sorry not sorry
*she gives mike a kiss*
* u go to ur locker but u then got stopped by troy*
Troy : well well well if it isn't yn
Yn : troy what do u want and can u just get out of the way
Troy : sure *he moves and then lets u fall over his foot and you land on your face*
Max : yn!
*max runs to you and helps u up*
Yn : that piece of shi-
*u see that ur nose is bleeding*
Max : lets go to the toilet to wipe it off
*in the toilets*
Max : here you go *she gives u a paper*
Yn : thx max ur the best friend
Max : np :) always and ur my best friend to
*the bell rings and u guys go to p.e*
"In the changing room"
El : were where you guys
Max : *explains everything*
yn : shhh el the other girls from our class are watching
El : sorry *she giggles*
*in the gymnasium*
Ms.ling : okay guys today we will be playing football okay so were gonna make teams
Team 1 -> troy, mark, Samantha, sam, Lucas, dustin, rik, robert
Team 2 -> max, yn, eleven, mike, will, Lisa, Elena
Ms.ling : lets....BEGIN!
*the teacher kicks the ball in the field*
Troy : *he kicks the ball high so he can hit max*
Yn : watch out max *u jump in front of her so the ball doesn't hit her and u then kick it in the other teams goal*
Max : yn thanks for saving me
Yn : np:) always
Ms.ling : good job now u guys have a break from 5 min and then we will be playing basketball
*troy sees u and the party talking so he goes to u guys*
Troy : hey yn were u defending freckles back there how cute
Yn : she is my best friend dont you dare call her that
Troy : or else what huh
*he starts saying mean things and u lost it so u punch him*
Troy : oh you have nerves * he punches u back an u fall to the ground and starts punching you and try to punch back but ur just to much hurt and then he stops and gets off you and starst laughing and u started to feel blurry*
Max : yn! yn! wake up plss go get ms.ling pls
*Will goes and gets ms.ling and the whole class is just staring*
Ms.ling : we need to get her to the nurse
Will : max u go with her
Max : are you sur-
Will : yes go i insist
*in the nurse room*
Ms.breach : yn will wake up in a minute
Ms.ling : max what happend
Max : *explains*
Ms.ling : im gonna call her mom
*she goes to call karen*
Max : *sits on a chair next to were u are laying crying holding ur hand and the rest of the party is in the school hallway*
Yn : *u wake up seeing max crying*m-max
Max : yn ur awake! *she hugs you and u let a little moans out bc ur in pain*oh im sorry
Yn : its nothing *u smile weakly*
*The party sees it and burst in all hugging you*
Yn : awch * u say ur eye hurting and nose and chin*
Will : yeah u can say that u have a black eye, ur chin, and ur arm
Yn : wait my arm is broken
Mike : yeah a doctor came to school to check and can we put our names on it
Yn : on what
Dustin : ur gypsum
*u look down seeing u have a gyps*
Yn : sure
Everyone writs  there name on it with a little drawing max drew a little butterfly🦋/ mike drew a skateboard🛹/ el a smiley😁/lucas a basketball🏀/ dustin a camera📷/ will a silly smiley🤪
Yn : ty guys *u smile*
Everyone : np:)
Ms.ling yn ur mom is here
Karen : yn are u okay
Yn : yeah everything is alright but not my arm
Karen : oh u are something
Principal.reef : yn u can go home with ur mom
Yn : am i suspended
Principal.reef : no no yn u can come back tmrw and the doctor said u need ur gyps for a whole month and a half
Yn : bye guys see u tmrw
*they all say goodbye and hug you*
*in the car*
Karen : its very brave u came up for ur friends
Yn : thx but i just couldn't hear how he whas talking abt them especially max
Karen : im proud of u but now we are gonna go home and maybe watch a movie like uhhhh the goonies
Yn : oh yeahhhh

*at home*

This whas p 7 i hope u like it and
Sorry im not posting much but im busy bc im going on vacation next monday *18th
Ly all<3

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